JT Dawwg

Now I want an episode simply devoted to their judicial process, you know its gotta be one-sided as fuck for the criminal.

From stay-at home housewife to lawyer. Quite the upgrade.

Guy's so mono in his voice you cant even tell when he's in genuine pain, or if he's sarcastic as hell.

Man Starchy was an absolute highlight, sprinkle in some feel moments and a really nice score and you got a winner.

I know we've been hinted at this for years, but Im glad we re finally getting legit backstory on their past- and current friendship. Marcy episodes are always so damn good.

Holy hell what an episode. Bonny & Marcy, together once again. The music, animation, and the FEELS were all at their best here- I love the dynamic between these two, they bring out the best from one another.

I thought it was a sweet ep, finally detailing PB's "birth" and her true source of success for the Candy Kingdom, although I wasnt entirely thrilled with big Neddy. But man, 5 months really hurt AT, its no longer the flagship show (reserved for SU/TTG!), and lost a lot of hype and attention, but this was a nice ep to

Cartman fingerfucking himself goes to every cynic who doesnt watch a lick of South Park, yet hates it for whatever reason.

I was already tripped by that ep of South Park right before, but damn this was crazy. Wish Rad had more spotlight, but his role was so great it was worth it.

I reckon you dont belong here, with yer fancy smentzy words like "FCC" and "jurydisction." I aint no cable fella, so I aint got the vocabz of them terms.

This ep was chaotic and wild af, so trademark Wander is checked. Super awesome seeing Peepers & Syl team up to help their fool partners, and Dominator's reveal wasnt what I expected (points for that).

He didnt appear as his ghost form, but possessed a burly man's body.

With Disney's fat pockets the censors overlook everything
*wink wink*

Wendy. Is Fucking. Legit.

Dude, its freaking Doctor Who. Hell, go as far back as the 70s Baker era and you'll get the same amount of camp (slightly darker). Its the shows DNA, and thats what people love about it (me in particular).

It may be one of the most cliche lines muttered on TV, but when the freaking 12th Doctor whispered "I miss you Clara," it was such a huge gutpunch that caught me off guard.

Man, this was the hardest Ive laughed at South Park in years. Randy being the selfish yet understandably petty bastard (damn they've really stepped their game up), Reality getting his ass handed to him, Segal looking like Angry Joe plus 200 lbs.

Honestly I have no idea, I dont get a sense of continuity. Personally I think the pilot was the weakest, wasnt bad at all but wasnt all too great either.

Weakest ep Ive seen from the show.

A Hater double-header, and they compliment each other seamlessly.