
The old stereotype was “tapping” your taillight w/ the baton & saying “sir, you have a broken taillight”.

You’ve got to give them credit for at least attempting to have a spine, unlike a lot of corporate America who are terrified of the Y’allqueda movement in this country.

Oh naive little child. There’s a boatload of stuff this Admin could pull to make your claim look foolish. None of these are good policy, but when the whole goal of this Admin is F#ck You, I Said So....none of that matters:

I pictured him older, but about the same amount of stupid looking.

He’s got a large collection of Dale Earnhardt commemorative plates to protect. Do you know how much those are worth?

Stroud, AL is barely a crossroad, with a couple of houses nearby... It’s what we like to call “Backwoods Alabama”...  

Maybe he’ll just own it and take the jail time.”

my thought also

I think that’s Tesla

I drove a lot in Rural CA an AZ and if there was a issue I would never go up to a house for assistance; there is a reason these people live in the boonies and it usually involves paranoia.  

At least Franklin was charged with murder, though

yeah this is pretty much where paranoia and gun fetishism gets you- and the solution is always, more guns!

The South is a horrible place and will be the death of this nation.

It didn’t look like a Nazi salute. It WAS a Nazi salute. Bro clicked his heels and thumped his chest first, then he turned around and heiled the flag. Anyone still pretending this was some awkward wave or “miming throwing his heart to the audience” is engaging in knowing denialism and deserves to be shamed from public

It was a NAZI salute.  Quite fascist washing this NAZI.

Musk is an actual fucking nazi.  NOBODY should buy a tesla.  FUCK that POS.

I replaced my Model 3 with an EV made in a country where Musk could have been arrested for that salute. Irony. 

No sympathy for wannabe-nazi musk, and I’m note quite sure what metric CNBC is using for that $15 billion drop. What the previous Jalopnik article said on this is that since the beginning of 2025, Tesla lost $94 billion on its December 2024 $1.25 trillion Tesla market capitalization (that’s a 7.5% reduction). I would

(shrug) I trust a 101 year old to run the streets better than I trust a 78 year old to run the country...

Notice what he’s NOT doing — looking at/typing into/distracted by a phone. While wrinklies chartering a land yacht to procure produce via 50mph on a highway is sub-optimal, so are yoots going 90mph scrolling thru Insta and texting friends their party plans while balancing a hot venti and QT sando in their laps.