It should be named the Ford Polestar Me 2, not the Ford Capri.
It should be named the Ford Polestar Me 2, not the Ford Capri.
Rental cars are the fastest kind of vehicle over any sort of terrain.
Image what a pain it would be to wax a dimpled car.
Two things. One, Don Draper himself wouldn’t put up with this shit at work. Two, the current fascist, Catholic theocratic majority on the Supreme Court would be happy to.
Did they consider letting the air out of the trailer tires? I saw that on an episode of Steve Canyon.
1969? You kids these days really don’t know your history. The 1961 Lincoln Continental introduced what are commonly referred to as “suicide doors” and kept them through the 1969 model year. Now get off my damn lawn.
I’ve always wondered how many retirees who complain about China unknowingly own Chinese made Buicks? Personally, all my cars are either made in the U.S. or Italy.
These things shouldn’t be on the road. It’s only a matter of time before they kill.
Thanks for that tip.
A couple of times a year, I leave civilization behind and travel to Beaumont, TX to visit my mom in a nursing home and avoid my grifting drug addict brother. Just try booking a flight, hotel, and rental car with Beaumont’s Jack Brooks “airport” as your destination. E-commerce technology has yet to reach the…
When have corporation ever broken the law?
I see this as a win-win. Ammosexuals are finally doing something good for their community by shooting down drones. And, if they’re caught, they get their guns taken away and are sent to prison. Like I said, win-win.
No more blue state tax dollars to bail out climate change denying red states when increasingly disastrous weather happens (or, actually, for any reason). Just let the voters of the various Dumfukistans burn, drown, freeze, and starve. They’ve earned it.
Well put, my friend.
The Element is the best vehicle Honda ever made. Fight me.
No, I will not give you a lift.
Quality control related recalls are part of the bread and butter of dealership repair technicians. By fixing them, Ford is going to be taking food out of technicians’ families’ mouths. You think I’m joking. I’m not.
I suspect there’s a lot of cars that will be absent from the road in 10 years. But I’ll tell you one that won’t be - the Honda Element. It’s become the modern equivalent of the original VW van. I live in a nice neighborhood and my Element is parked by the side of my house because my garage is filled with Alfa Romeos.…
I’ve been a cyclist since I was 14 or 15 and I’m 64 now. I’m originally from Texas and most of my family lives there. I travel there 2 or 3 time a year to visit my mom who lives in a nursing home and avoid my brother who’s a grifting drug addict. There is literally no place to ride a bike that I’ve seen. Texas is a…
Yes, but MAGA.