
Fuck drunks and druggies. They ought to permanently lose their licenses.

Bring back the Honda Element! And make sure to keep it carpet free.

But Musk still wants a $56 billion dollar bonus.

Riding bicycles is not “incredibly fucking dangerous”. It can be if you encounter car or truck drivers who are incredible fucking assholes though.

I’m aware of that, chief. But I can remember when it was.

There’s a factor you missed. In the past, seats would open up on a regular basis from attrition caused by drivers getting killed. Fortunately, that doesn’t happen these days.

The Dodge Le Femme was made between 55 and 56, not the swinging 60s. You kids these days have no sense of history.

Is his wife’s name Skyler?

I’m sure Trump will cover their loss.

Toyota is having trouble figuring out a fix for the problem? Replace the damn engine.

I bet this story gives Elon Musk an idea.

No Chinese cars sold in the US? What about Buicks?

I’m shocked, shocked to hear that American Auto had a second season. I watched one episode and said nope.

That’s why I specifically said cars, not vehicles. You’re probably right about trucks though.

Good riddance. The Dodge Challenger is the AR-15 wearing a MAGA hat of cars.

Henry Ford II was Henry Ford’s grandson. Old Henry drove his son Edsel into the grave.

I see Tesla biggest asset as being its charging network, Musk’s recent actions to fuck that up notwithstanding. There’s plenty of people making electric cars right now, and it looks like hybrids are about to surpass them. Self driving is and always will be an irresponsible boondoggle. If I were on Tesla’s board, I’d

Eventually, one of these billionaire dilettantes is going to get himself and/or a number of other people killed in one of their vanity space flights. Hmm, now that I think about, maybe Musk et al. could carpool to space. Spaceshippool? Rocketpool?

The Confederate flag is the equivalent of the Nazi flag.

When I look at crowds of MAGA degens like this with their hate, anger, and resentment stirred to a mouth frothing pitch by some slumming rich idiot like Kid Rock or Trump, I’m reminded of Kurtz’s final written and whispered words: Exterminate all the brutes! The horror! The horror!