
A law should be passed that your MAGA hat will be confiscated unless you’re driving a vehicle that’s actually made in the USA.

They should have just shot him.

Completely predictable outcome. Although, the bear thing was a nice surprise bonus. I also like how all of the libertarians who moved there were men and many of them sex offenders.

Texas would be perfect for this since it should be expelled from the union anyway.

It’s about fucking time. Musk is like Trump in that doesn’t think he should ever have consequences for his bad actions.

Cops gonna do what cops do.

When considering buying one of these, just remember the widely believed fact that the fastest kind vehicle over any kind of terrain is a rental car.

Ever notice how every Republican President since Eisenhower was worse than the previous one? I mean, I suppose Bush Sr. was a blip in that downward sloping line, but Bush the Lesser overcorrected for his dad. And Trump, well, the line looks like it fell off a cliff. I never thought we’d see a President worse than

Eh, who gives a shit? It’s Texas.

Deregulation! Get the government off business’ backs and into women’s uteruses! MAGA!

I’ve been a professional software developer/architect for 39 years now working on everything from device drivers to application software to financial line of business solutions. Never once have I seen laying off domestic engineers and replacing them with low wage offshore staff succeed. Most often, assuming the

Musk has reached the fabled Find Out phase of his project to alienate his customer base that follows the initial Fuck Around phase.

This looks like some the Three Stooges could have done something with.

To be fair to Hertz, the customer did return his rental Tesla without a drop of gasoline in it.

Not only should Ohio deny his plate, they should tow and crush his car. Throw him in jail while they’re at it. The time for coddling MAGA degen traitors is over.

That piece of shit ought to be put onto a one way flight to Tel Aviv and never be allowed to return.

No one stops to consider the human costs of these stories. Boeing executives are just people like you and me. Just like us, they have yacht payments to make and mistresses to support and the results of these investigations can seriously impact their bonuses and the prices they can unload their stock options for. Have

That’s it. Formula 1 is dead to me. It’s bad enough that Formula 1 embraces authoritarian, human rights squashing regimes around the world in exchange for money. But when it embraces our own would-be fascist dictator, that’s when enough is enough and enough is too much.

The idiot on the ATV got what was coming to him and nearly got a Darwin Award. The cops did nothing wrong here. In fact, they did exactly the right thing in protecting the family.

Sigh. Back when I lived in Atlanta, I once heard a bubble headed bleach blond local news bimbo refer to my alma mater as Georgia Tech University as well.