
They probably use it much the same way Blofeld did in You Only Live Twice.

It’s Tesla’s fault for designing and building a deadly vehicle. It’s the Chao’s fault for buying one.

Neither of them. Get some new material. Alfas of decades ago got a reputation for being unreliable because they were touchy, but no more so than other European cars, and most mechanics didn’t know how to work on them. Today’s Alfas are at least as reliable, if not more so, than their German rivals. Other than normal

What else would you expect from a sport that has been bought out by brutal, highly misogynistic dictatorships using it for sportswashing? I just hope the same thing doesn’t happen to pro cycling.

I hope that sportswashing doesn’t fuck up pro cycling as bad as it has Formula 1.

I think the US should cut off all aid to Israel and target Netanyahu personally with an air strike.

That poor Honda.

I’ve had no problems whatsoever with my 2015 4C. And other than a bad wiring harness for the driver’s seat, I’ve had no problems with the 2017 Giulia that weren’t solved by software updates. The dealership’s service department is a different matter though.

Sounds like F1 will soon have an all sportswashing calendar. It’s race towards irrelevance continues.

Yes, the driver should absolutely be fired. But then the MAGA degen will become an overnight right wing media darling. Come to think about it, that’s going to happen anyway, so fire their sorry ass.

I think my politics are pretty similar to yours. I didn’t say all Challenger owners were MAGA degens, but I think that’s a fairly widely believed stereotype. I have two Alfa Romeos, but that doesn’t make me a Mussolini admirer. Hope you like your car, I like mine.

I’m so glad all the ridiculous hype about self-driving cars has finally died out. In the real world that we all live in, fully self-driving cars were never going to work for numerous reasons that have been obvious from the very beginning. What new big thing will grifters use to get their hands on that sweet, sweet vent

As I understand it, crashing at cars and coffee is more stereotypically a Mustang thing than a Challenger thing, but I could be mistaken. Also, you would seriously expect Challenger to outlast a Corolla? Really?

I would never drive a Challenger because people would reasonably assume I was a racist MAGA degen. 

If I had to get rid of my Giulia, I’d keep Alfa 4C and my Honda Element.

MAGA degens are gonna degen.

When the only things you know are HTML and Javascript, every web app looks like a web site.

Oh, the humanity

I’m a long-time cyclist, having started racing as a junior in the mid 1970s. I’ve got a collection of vintage racing bikes ranging from 1961 to 1996 with brakes from Mafac, Universal, and Campagnolo. Year before last, I finally bought a modern bike with hydraulic disk brakes. I was wary of the spinning wheels of death

You'd have to be a MAGA degen level moron to buy one of these things.