
I bought a one owner 2017 Giulia Ti back in 2019. I think it had closer to 40K miles on it and I think I paid around $28K. It’s had exactly one problem since then that the extended warranty took care of - a bad wiring harness for the driver’s seat that caused it to throw a bunch of codes. When I first bought it, I

The Honda Element is not only best vehicle Honda ever made, my bought new manual 5 speed 2006 is the best vehicle I’ve owned since and including my first used car (a 1965 Rambler) in 1976.


Most of them.

Decent people should evacuate Florida and then the MAGA degens should be nuked from space. It’s the only way to be sure, after all. 

What the hell would they have done if there were big cats in that trailer?

I watched the first season of Clarkson’s Farm and enjoyed it. But then he did his racist, misogynistic rant about Markle and that was it. I’ll never watch another thing Clarkson is in. James May’s Our Man In... shows are great.

I don’t think EVs make much sense for anyone who doesn’t have a way to charge at home.

For this and so many other reasons, no sale.

Boeing's quality problems caused by its cheap ass management are overwhelming, but this particular incident doesn't seem to have anything to do with that. 

Great. How am I supposed to get around now? Take the bus?

And they should get it.

Boeing management seems to want to do everything on the cheap. They came up with a hacked together new plane and called it a 737 in order to avoid costs associated with certifying a new plane. They outsourced manufacturing to the apparently unscrupulous lowest bidder in a deep red right to work state in order to screw

Do they also come with a supply of Grey Poupon? Sorry, but if they don’t, it’s a deal breaker for me.

It’s a shame about the damage to the box truck.

What’s happening with these Jeeps is known in engineering terms as a positive feedback loop. A positive feedback loop is a process that amplifies a change or a reaction, making it more intense or extreme.

Isn’t that the Caterpillar Genocide-9 that the Israelis use to demolish Palestinian homes for their land grab eminent domain program?

He wasn’t black though.

Only platypus males are venomous. But good luck telling a male from a female. And besides, what are you doing trying to pick one up?

They should be banned because of the way people drive them.