
I think I’d be sourcing my pizza s elsewhere from now on because fuck these cheap assholes.

Q: What do you call 4,067 Hyundais at the bottom of the ocean?

So many car drivers seem to get homicidally enraged these days when anything slows them down. There's definitely a correlation with the overall decrease in civility in general and the rise of MAGA lunacy.

I’ve got first year models of an Alfa Romeo 4C and a Giulia TI. The only non maintenance issue I’ve had with either was a bad wiring harness for the Giulia’s driver seatbelt. My wife has a second generation, not first year Chevy Volt and it's periodically had electronic system gremlins.

I think an exception should be made to allow these dangerous vehicles to be sold in freedumb loving red states.

Self driving technology has been very good at extracting money from investors. It hasn’t been and probably never will be good at driving cars in the real world.

Townsend fucked around and damned sure found out, didn’t he?

I saw the video. That Bentley was definitely flying. Truth in advertising. 

The math in this story is way off. To ride 5,500 miles across 14 days, a rider would have to average almost 393 miles per day. And 366,000 feet of climbing? Puh-leeze. Nope.

How Tesla has been able to get away with this scam for as long as it has is a mystery to me. Multiple people have been killed using FSD per Tesla’s instructions. The whole self-driving thing needs to have a stop put to it. Today’s sensors and software are not capable of dealing with all the variables inherent in

It’s time we deported Nazi boy back to South Africa.

Fuck State Farm. Fuck them all the way to hell.

Sounds like the modern equivalent of a Yugo.

What do you suppose all those fat cats who shower Clarence Thomas with bribes say about him when he’s not around?

This is some bullshit right here. But, as everyone should know, insurance companies are in business to collect premiums, not to pay claims.

If Trump gets re-elected, China, Russia, et al can save money on field agents and just send their most highly trained ass kissers to meet with him and tell him how great he is. They’ll be able to get all our secrets straight from the jackass’ mouth.

I have a 2,465 lb (wet) Alfa Romeo 4C. I should get a rebate.

Elon Musk’s tears are both delicious and nourishing for our democracy.

It’s Beverly Hills. They wouldn't notice anything less.

Buy it. Tell your wife it’s an investment that will appreciate.