
I’ve owned a wide variety of cars in my life: a Rambler, Volkswagens, Fords, Subarus, a Toyota, Alfa Romeos, a Honda, a Chevy, some others I probably forget. I bought a new Peugeot 405 DL in 1989. It was the most unreliable car I have ever owned by wide margin. I will never own another Peugeot as long as I live. I

So basically Buick is an foreign import brand now. I wonder why they don’t highlight that to their blue haired clientele? MAGA!

Why wait? Just buy a Fiat 500 for crying out loud.

If Hackett thinks things are bad now, he better enjoy it while he can. When the public shifts away from trucks, Ford is going to be toast. Who will he blame then?

Fords? Huh. The four door sure looks a lot like a 1964 Rambler Classic that was my first car.

There is no way this bloated, overpowered pony car is a true sports car. Maybe a GT if you stretch the definition, but not a sports car.

I bet Mr. Bone Saw has already ordered five of them.

I would buy every Porsche 917K and Ferrari 512 S/M available and daily drive them to work in rotation. Oh, yeah, guess I’d have to install cheap wireless backup cameras in them too in order for that plan to work.

If this happens, Tesla is dead to me.

I’m guessing this is a real conundrum for a lot of Ford GT owners. In order to get it fixed so that it doesn’t potentially burn up when the engine is running, it’s going to have to be moved, possibly driven, to the dealer. That will cause it to have at least fractional mileage added to it, which would decrease the

This is one of my favorite books of all time. By far the best “car” book. It reminds me a great deal of The Right Stuff by Tom Wolfe.

Is that rusty exhaust system OEM standard?

The increasing complexity of cars is making them disposable rather than repairable. This is a trend that has been going on for a while and it affects more than just collision repair. I don’t see it as a good thing since it’s raising costs for everyone.

That's a M8D, not a M8A.

Every Alfa Romeo that came after the 75/Milano and before the 8C Competizione. Particularly the 164.

I’ve owned a lot of cars. Included in that were a 1985 Jeep Cherokee, a 1996 (or 1997, I can’t remember) Subaru Forester, and a 2006 Honda Element EXP. All bought new with manual transmissions. I still have the Element and plan on keeping it forever. It’s not just the greatest SUV ever, it’s the greatest car ever. You

No, the Wienermobile (a candidate for the coolest looking mode of transportation ever) is an RV.

My question exactly.

Where does the Honda Element fit in your van/not van dichotomy? Heh, heh...I used dichotomy...heh, heh.

This is great news for Subaru. I gave up on VW when they dropped the two door Golf and because of the whole diesel cheating thing. It’s nothing but red Alfa Romeos for me from now on.