Dammit, Walter.
Dammit, Walter.
I see you've played Knifey Spoony before…
When Ben mentioned he doesn't know where his father is, did anyone else think they're setting Alex up for an incest storyline, that Jay is Ben's father?
Um, Boston is the best music for trolling the web.
Puppy and Kitty, being best friends….
And the follow up from Baltimore racists is, "The subway killed Owings Mills Mall!"
Except they are terrible people, so they call it the football.
Not cocaine? Diets sure have changed since the '80's.
I was at this taping, and if you think the show was bad, you should have seen the pre-game they played. Everyone came off as not smart.
Go with the classics. Read some Eisner, some Lee/ Kirby FF, even if you already have. Read something completely different than you ever have before.
Definitely spent time at 723. The good old days of Fells.
Were you in the area for the Rootie Kazootie days? All you needed was a college ID and they had $.50 bottles. A great place to do something stupid at 18.
PJ's still exists, but CVP is better. Spin The Wheel, baby!
Does it come with a slice of canteloupe at the end?
Solve for XXX.
Why did they not mention it, or why was I disappointed? I can only answer one of those questions. I was disappointed, because while there was never really doubt or question about the family's Jewishness, and a Hannukah episode really is the final nail in that coffin, it would have been nice, in the midst of Pops…
Was I correct, though, that the word"Jew" or "Jewish" was never mentioned once during the episode? I loved everything about it, but was a little disppointed in that.
The joust had been cancelled? What will I do with all this mutton?
Please let there be a Speed Force costume on TV. I could die happy, I think.
His ma was a who-were.