Bryan L

Good for Detwiler not backing up this monster's story.  We need a lot more of that.  Clearly this former cop was a menace, he should be in jail from the sound of it, and put on trial, but he probably gets immunity for being on duty when it happened...which is insane.

Well, it would be fine to raid a home of black folks and shoot up few of them.

I love how a girlfriend’s highly specific and unprompted statement, corroborated by a lawyer who also represented the alleged bomb builder, that the guy was building bombs in an identified location is seen as insufficient for a warrant to search said location, but...

The fucking Trump kids constantly whine about Hunter benefitting from Biden’s status and the hypocrisy has never bothered them before.

The GOP has been stacking the deck for decades and they STILL got their ass handed to them in this last election.

There are so many evil, pompous, old snakes in the republican party that it’s not immediately apparent which one you’re referring to...

I don’t think the Ga. voters are going to be the issue. I think under a fair election free of restrictions, the Dems would wins without issue. (I actually think they would win a majority of the races nationwide, quite frankly.) The GOP knows this, which is why they cheat. I am more concerned with their cheating -

i tried to get an idea who was winning with exit polls and all i was given were a bunch of red and blue graphs.

there has to be something somewhere that says “so far it looks like ____is in the lead.”

Come through Georgia! Would love to see that evil, pompous, old snake have to take a long deserved and much needed L.

Black Georgia voters, I beg of you, please, please, PLEASE vote Democratic! We can’t endure another 2-4 years of McConnell blocking every attempt to help We The People, we just can’t.

The master race isn’t even the master of his own bedroom decorations.

More idiots getting arrested for talking like dipshits online. Stop talking like dipshits online and that guy who says he can get you explosives is definitely an FBI agent trying to entrap you.

In this country, it's not like she going to lose voters over it. 

Yeah, that’s the part where her bullshit obviously falls apart. You can’t expect a politician to recognize every famous monster who might cross their path, but she and her staff didn’t notice *white pride* tattoos on his fucking hands?

On the one hand, this sort of shit happens all the time at political events. Which is typically why you want to have someone(s) vet the room well beforehand (but if walk-ins are allowed, it’s dicey).

OTOH, run this shit everywhere. Link the GOP repeatedly, publicly, and inextricably with Nazis and the white nationalist

Doles, with tattoos on his hands of a swastika and the words, “WHITE POWER,”

So swastika tats on the hands isn’t enough of a clue?

Bitch please!! Not only did you know, but you welcomed it. The GOP has made it obvious that they embrace and support white supremacy so FFS please stop lying about it. Be a proud bigot!

It has got to hurt when even the leaders of the KKK can't make time to do a photo op with you.

I mean, if your message is attracting racists and that truly bothers you, shouldn’t you take a long, hard look at your message?