Bryan L

Well I mean they were walking while black. But I love how these chucklefucks expect people to believe their fear of peaceful protesters somehow made them brave enough to grab their guns and try to intimate them.

First rule of gun safety: never point a gun at something unless you really, REALLY want to shoot that thing. Idk what the stand your ground laws are there, but they should be damn happy that none of the protestors were armed. That shit was a legitimate threat, Karen or no

I was asked by my students during. a Zoom whether or not America is THAT dumb.

I’ve never shot a handgun, but I think proper form would be to use even a single muscle in your hand or forearm to keep it from flopping loosely around while you brush your hair out of your face.

I for one, like the mayor’s tweet, cuts right to the bone. I don’t know if it’s possible but if I was a mayor, I wouldn’t let Trump come to my town unless he prepaid for the visit because if I remember correctly he or his staff hasn’t paid any of the town’s costs that he has his rallies in.

So a five time draft dodging bum ass traitor that allowed a foreign government to put hits out on our soldiers has the nerve to shit talk someone about leadership? Fuck him, Fuck The GOP and fuck anyone that supports his ass. I don’t want to hear a fucking word from any of you about Kap, The flag and the troops ever

At this point, I just know we’re being trolled people.

He doesn’t kid. 

Why is this cousin fucker talking?

Possibly? He did oust NYC’s first Black Mayor. But more-likely if he were on television it’d be just to talk about lawyering things.

He just described the goddamn police

I’m white as fuck and this might be the dumbest thing I’ve seen all day so far.

In a few weeks? You mean you haven’t been doing it already?

82 million Twitter followers

So wait... he presents an obviously doctored video - possibly doctored by his people - and somehow concludes that we can’t trust CNN because the video proves that... what?

Ya know, I’m really starting to think there might be something wrong with this guy.