Bryan L

That the first coroner would issue such a blatantly bullshit finding to support those racist murdering cops just proves it’s not a bad apple. The whole system is racist.

Many rightfully pointed the vagueness of the findings—“potential intoxicants” feels unduly speculative to wave in front of the public, especially since a toxicology report could take weeks.

It looks like someone else needs to be fired as well.

You saw the video, I saw the video, we all damnwell did know what happened.

I am shocked, SHOCKED, I tell you. The autopsy from the police would inherently play down and obfuscate what actually happened.

Confirming what we all knew.

And he will probably immediately lie and say the brother called him sir and thanked him for being such a great leader.

We’re all going to die eventually, so murder can’t really be a crime.

Smoke and mirrors. Distract with meaningless distinctions and differentiations. See also: it’s not a magazine, it’s a clip 

So, they’re basically saying he was gonna die anyway, but he just happened to have his neck under the knee of a police officer when it happened.

It doesn’t matter. Whether they strangled him or induced a heart attack, it’s exactly the same thing.

Exactly. I doubt very much the email this guy received suggested tenants should get into confrontations with people they suspect are using the gym w/o authorization.

What exactly do these self-appointed Sheriffs think is going to happen?

He had two choices.

“Aggressive?” Rotten dick nuggets, no one would get aggressive with you if you MYOB. I would get aggressive too, he wasn’t security or a property manager. Whitey needs to stop deputizing themselves.

“Should have handled it differently. Not my job to have done anything.”

I mean there two events that are coming that will be both frightening and annoying upcoming. The annoying part will be when Trump goes down to defeat and the inevitable Trump apology tour from The GOP begins. You know the CNN, MSNBC, And View appearances that will follow where a whole bunch of deposed Republicans

Looks like we can add one more entry to the list of shit that we already know and he never fucking bothered to learn, yeah.

But, Twitter is a private company....

$ure, of cour$e it wa$.