Bryan L

Yep. I’ve been saying this for months now. They’ll claim Rudy went rogue and did all this shit on his own initiative. And the thing is, everybody knows it but Rudy. What’s the saying? “Look around the poker table; if you can’t see the sucker, it’s you.”

Yes. I posted much the same thing. This is just a ploy to create a fictional “impartial” senator who can be used as “evidence” that the Senate was being “fair.” 

I wouldn’t be shocked to learn that Collins and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) cooked this whole scheme up over the holidays.

I think they’re also setting up Rudy to take the fall on this, but Rudy’s too stupid to realize it. I think the GOP realizes this won’t go away until somebody takes the blame and gets punished. They can squelch impeachment, but to turn around public sentiment (Trump’s support is eroding a bit — see the Christian Times

This. It’s like pedophile teachers wanting credit for all the students they taught. No, the fact that you used your career as a way to stalk victims does not make you an admirable human being. 

Wait, so Jurassic World Evolution lied to me? What is this world coming to when I can’t get my science from video games?

Yes. There’s a protocol here. Fund a damn gymnasium or dorm, like the other rich people do. This is just ... horribly nouveau riche. 

I’ve been saying this all along. Except I think they should have to fund several students, not just one. They dropped half a million on bribes? Make them fund $2 million in low income scholarships.

Absolutely. Hell, Trump’s browser history from his unsecured phone would probably prove HUGELY embarrassing. We know he can’t read, so we can assume he spends his time looking at pictures. 

Yeah, we do. But it’s worth it to 1. humiliate the shit out of him and 2. put him on notice that he’s being watched.

I suspect Putin is holding a LOT of things over Trump. Russian loans for one, but I’m sure he’s also got lots of footage of Trump engaging in embarrassing and illegal activities going back decades. Putin’s probably got copies of Epstein’s recordings/pictures, along with tons of other stuff from Trump’s misspent life.

Was Trump making fun of himself for once?

“Strongly” is shorter than all the other synonyms you list, which explains why Trump uses it. Trump not good with mouth babble big words.

This is probably the right answer. Add to this that Trump has poor vision (see his gigantic notes that he reads from) and refuses to wear glasses, and is too big a buffoon to insert contacts. He only sees an orangish blur when he looks in the mirror.

Truth. Trump is the epitome of “The Emperor’s New Clothes.” 

Gonna go out on a limb here and say Trump has NO IDEA what that symbol means. Nor most of the letters that accompany the symbol on the label.

Checks out. He’s not a professional businessman, either, but he thinks he is. You can pretty much substitute any word for “businessman” in the preceding sentence. 

I ordered a single C-cable. Four of them arrived in the box. Uh, okay. C-cables for everybody! I didn’t get charged for them. I assume somebody misread the order or just scooped up a handful and threw them into the box. 

That’s my take. Amazon’s Razor: Never assume system error when it can be explained by angry/disgruntled employees.

what Melania fucking smells like