Bryan L

Yeah, I don’t really know why people would be astounded by the fact that Niantic knows where they are. I play regularly, and from day one I realized that Niantic would have to know my whereabouts or the game won’t work. That’s obvious.

Same. Wish I could disable it permanently. It really annoys me when I hit the button by accident. 

Bingo. There have to be at least 20 different ways to get over a 10-foot wall. It’s ridiculous.

You’re probably right. He could turn this thing around if he was smart. Bu if he was smart, he wouldn’t be Trump.

Yeah, I always assumed Rudy was intended to be a fall guy. Maybe Trump is just so desperate now he won’t cut Rudy loose. 

That’s certainly true. I just figured self-preservation would kick in at some point. But as others have pointed out, it may be better to stick with his co-conspirators lest they use him as a scapegoat. And you know Trump will. 

That seems plausible. If you break ranks, Trump can point at you and say “It was all his idea!” Hell, he’s started doing that already. 

Now I’m thirsty. 

Well, sure. “Disapproval” doesn’t actually mean “to not approve someone.”

So. How long before Mulvaney resigns, like his predecessors? Two weeks? Three?

“You can’t Impeach Me! I’ll Ipeach YOU! How doYou like THAT! I imPaech YOU”

Trump ... doesn’t actually know what “impeachment” means, does he? 

because the political calculus says to abandon ship

Seriously. Would any decent attorney risk his or her career by working for Trump? Beside nonpayment, Trump’s name is rapidly becoming incredibly toxic. MAGA chuds typically don’t have the wherewithal to hire actual attorneys, and they’re the only ones still supporting Trump.

He looks like a Confederate colonel to me. $20 says he’s done Civil War re-enactments, and he wasn’t wearing a blue uniform. 

Yes, you pretty much have to figure the Ukraine is only the tip of the iceberg. Betcha there’s a dozen or more transcripts of other calls hidden on the “secure server.” 

Two. Definitely two. Trump’s been in over his head from his first day. He literally has no idea how government works, how international relations work, what the State Department does, or how politics in general function. Worse, he’s too arrogant to ask.

They do their best. In fact, the lawsuit against this poll tax is being filed jointly by the ACLU, League of Women Voters, and the NAACP. The problem is resources, money, and time. The GOP runs the state, and they can sit in the Legislature and dream up this shit and enact it. Our taxes get used to defend these bogus

the best thing he could do is probably shut up

Live with it? If it means Trump is gone, I welcome it.