Bryan L

Yeah, I’m pretty sure there’s a check box labeled “Do Not Contact” next to your name.

I had a VP once that had porn on all day. He’d mute the sound and hide the pictures when anyone walked in. He’d also keep a bunch of windows open so that if he got spotted he’d say, “I don’t know how that got there.” We all saw it at various times, IT knew about it, but ... VP.

Yes. You can’t disavow something while supporting it, tacitly or in most cases with Trump, explicitly. Parsing these razor-thin distinctions is getting ridiculous.

I do have a relative who allowed an unscrupulous employee to run up tens of thousands in charges on the company card. But it’s a small business and yes, this dude was completely unsupervised and went berserk when my relative had a lengthy hospital stay (possibly assuming he would die). But in a billion-dollar

Fair point. I have a friend who played Netflix at his desk all day (using earbuds). I know he was getting his work done, though. He liked background noise and it’s easier with episodes you’ve seen repeatedly, so you don’t care if you’re interrupted. Again, if you’re hired to do X, and X was getting done, who cares

I’m curious about what she was actually hired to do. I mean, you put somebody on the payroll, don’t give them instructions on what they’re supposed to do all day, don’t provide any supervision, and you should probably expect this to happen. Maybe, if you don’t have tasks for a person to do, I dunno, don’t hire that

Not enough stars. 

Uh, yeah. Around here you can’t touch a child without notifying the parents first, unless it’s an emergency/self defense sort of situation. If a teacher has a problem with the student’s dress, the student is sent to the administrative office and the parents are called. The end.

“Just remember, he added, “we already have a lot of background checks.”

That’s pretty much guaranteed. Virtually everything Trump does is misdirection. I don’t think, however, he’s doing it consciously, as part of a plan. My theory is that he’s been bullshitting for so long it’s become an ingrained behavior that functions without conscious thought on his part. He’s like an octopus that

I’ve said this before, but Fox News is an investment, not a business. All the profits come on the back end when the bamboozled viewers/voters put GOP politicians into power and those politicians enact massive tax cuts for corporations and rich people. They play the long game. 

That one just kills me. I’m pretty sure the math just ain’t gonna work out in their favor, but they keep pushing that shit. 

I’d be willing to bet Steve doesn’t get invited. 

Wait, who are the snowflakes? I keep forgetting who the snowflakes are. I know liberals keep being told they are the snowflakes, but right-wing nut jobs keep whining about people being mean to them.

That’s easy. The wind mocks him at every opportunity:

Well, he absolutely is, but other evil, racist assholes can put together sentences. This fuckshit is borderline incoherent. So I guess my reply is “why not both?”

You’re not wrong, and God knows it bit us in the ass in 2016, but there are less and less of them as time goes by. Some are drifting away and hell, some are dying off. 

You’re right. They’re stuck with him. No refunds. 

Seriously. Don’t the people of Iowa realize that this sort of display is counter-productive to their interests? They should be recalling this asshole. It’s damn certain he’s not accomplishing anything on Iowa’s behalf.

I told someone that at lunch today. He’d try to rename it Trumplandia and make it his Louisiana Purchase.