Bryan L

If they dress as luchadores, I’m there for it. There are some things you simply have to see.

There’s no way in hell that Trump tweeted that

Bwah-ha-ha. It’s like he’s trying to imitate his spirit animal, Donald Trump, and failing miserably. If you consider not being able to throw a believable tantrum “failing.”

I like your plan. 

Won’t somebody think of the cows?

He’s hired!

Yeah, there was a blizzard at the time. All I could think about was the Overlook Hotel.

Years ago, I interviewed for a job in a super-Mormon town in Utah. It was an incredibly creepy experience. I was stared at everywhere. To be clear, I’m not a person of color. I was just an outsider. A distant relative lived there and we met for dinner, and she told me that the 30-some-odd non-Mormons in town were all

God, that’s so true. State government is the backwater tide pool where all the trash accumulates. 

Yes. The attacked party on the constant defensive. It’s like a demented game of tennis. All they have to do is lob the ball over the net. Since the “ball” is made up of lies, it’s easy to create. Then the other side has to scramble to do damage control, investigate, present facts, and deny the lies. As soon as the

That’s probably the explanation right there. These rich assholes paid somebody to do this, rather than sullying their fine hands with even minimal labor. That person set this up, and I salute him or her. Heck, they were probably severely condescended to by these TPUSA fuck-ups, and decided to strike back.

And dementia. Don’t forget dementia. 

Aggressive. Remember, he’s both stupid and easily distracted. Also, his tiny fingers probably tire easily. 

A president can avoid a perjury trap by NOT FUCKING LYING.

Remember, his fear is inversely proportional to the volume & frequency of the tweets.

It’s like an endless loop of stupid.

I’d agree it’s an overreaction. If she gets asked this question all the time, then she should have a ready response: “Thank you for the question, but I am already on the record, and have always been on the record, as opposing this [vile, awful, horrible, choose adjective here] practice. Next question, please.”

The day is young. Give it a couple hours. 

I don’t want to alarm you, but you must have missed this:

The interesting thing is that he does it with every single insecurity he has. Intelligence, weight, hair, appearance, business acumen, popularity, sanity ... if Trump accuses someone else of being deficient in any way, it’s guaranteed that it’s an area in which he performs poorly.