Bryan L

Yeah. The Trump Cartel’s marketing team is probably approving the final designs right now. 

Plus, it’s three days away. I’m no tactical strategist, but I’m pretty sure the Shriners and the Lion’s Club need more than three days to effectively participate in a parade. I have to think military forces would require more preparation time.

I’ll loan them my pressure washer. 

You may be right. I posted earlier today about businesses in Florida that are refusing to support our awful charter school system, because it funnels their money into schools that discriminate against LBGTQ students. Businesses aren’t know for ethical leadership — they’re doing the right thing because failure to do so

You’re right, of course, but I was thinking more in terms of corporations and businesses, rather than individuals. I didn’t state that outright, though.

That’s absolutely true, but I’m starting to get the sense that a lot of Trump’s support (and let’s face it, Twitter supports him) is starting to distance themselves from him.

I’ve been saying this since he got elected. Every media outlet should clearly identify Trump’s lies. News outlets actually do more to promote Trump’s lies by repeating them, then mentioning in paragraph 4 that the statement is “controversial” or “unsupported.” I like False Statement: Trump [opens his stupid mouth or

You’re probably right about not counting on the Hispanic vote up to a point. And I think that point is the rabid white supremacy that’s currently best epitomized by Stephen Miller. Once that takes hold, which is pretty much now, nobody’s going to check to see how many generations a Hispanic family has lived in this

I agree with you, but I think you may discount American consumers too readily. Businesses have to sell to SOMEBODY, and more and more businesses are deciding that supporting discrimination will alienate their customer base.

To be fair, I originally thought Rosie was Roseanne, and was seriously confused by this entire thing.

but the voice of the Joker couldn’t be anything but an erudite, incisively observant person, right?

a certain dayglo fuckwit

Star for bio-luminescent, but yeah, this new layout sucks. 

Well, yeah, but if we start trying to list all their sins, vices, and ignorant viewpoints, we’ll be here all day. 

Nah, she’s gotta say something. Meghan has one job: Pontificating about shit. This is fuel for the fire.

You left out misogynistic, but other than that, I find no fault with your characterization. 

Let’s be honest. Trump couldn’t find Iran on a marked map. The Achomilished Hamberdler can’t read.

Right? Of course, then they’d have to explain the spending to their constituency, and how could you spin that? “Uh, we’re spending to elect Democrats because ... uh, reasons? No more questions, just give us money!” Talk about being caught between a rock and a hard place.

He reacts. That’s it. Provide a stimulus, and he reacts to it, usually in the worst imaginable fashion. He can’t link cause and effect any more (if he ever could) so cognitively, he’s no longer a tool-wielding animal. 

The other scary thing is that Nixon at least had a functioning brain, and he still screwed up everything. We are at the mercy of a drooling imbecile who, on his very best days, had no idea how global economies or monetary policies function, and his very best days are decades behind him. He’s never even run a