
as if argentina had anything to compete with the harrier. Let alone the infrastructure to effectively fight in the air. It’s like Brock Lesner picking a fight against Felipe Massa.

Looks like a bad sema custom job


“ outstanding interceptor”

Stop telling me what to do / not do. Hitler.

“If there was every any doubt that aerodynamics and light weight makes the difference, consider that quashed. But sometimes outright power wins the day.”

What about for emergencies?


sprint cars with funny angled noses......backassward engine orientation”

fail post

DP class needs to die. Just make LMP2 top class and be done. I’m tired of watching sprint cars with funny angled noses running around, heug wings, and backassward engine orientation.

No, no it wasn’t. It was a further development from the audi R8C that was built in england by RTN

Slight issues

Yeah, but when you remember that this car


That is not a pretty face

wait a minute...

He was a salesman to the core. Dolla dolla bill ya’ll