
I’m with you, Dude. Michael — brilliant!! Simply brilliant! I’m sharing with all of my friends and family.

Chicago showed up and showed out, indeed.

My issue is that people are saying “he did” something wrong. He never admits that. She refused to testify as to what he allegedly “did.” We cannot relitigate a case the victim refused to pursue.

Always has been....

White male moderates and white male Wall Street bankers and decent Republicans who know this MF Dump has to go, will NOT vote for a person of color, a woman or a GAY man. They could be gay themselves....nope, nada, nyet.

It proves men like him are more willing to perpetuate the fantastic narrative of negro neighborhoods needing more role models and briefcase-carriers than make the people in power stare into the sun and see the blinding light of racism.”

Agreed.  Has Michael B. Jordan made the cover yet? Daniel Kaluuya? Colin Kaepernick? 

I swear, I am totally with you! I like John...we even attended the same college, but Sexiest Man Alive?? Nope, Not. At. All. Sorry, bruh.

Jemele Hill

Article after article, study after study, says black people are the largest users of Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc.; black women in particular. 

The Root needs to take a Kanye hiatus. No one cares what this fool or his white family thinks.... Give us all a break and find more worthy article subjects, please. (Not personal to you, Maiysha... You know I love you!)

This how story has a direct correlation to what comes before a career in Hollywood, or any other industry really.... mediocre whites being admitted to elite colleges and universities based solely on 1 their supposed legacy, 2 their access to unlimited $, or 3 athleticism in white country club sports like water polo

Ok, thanks for that information. That makes me less suspicious, I guess. But why zone in on a black female college? Plenty of white female colleges you could donate to... I’m suspect of the race component and offering a restricted gift to “your cause” when HBCUs need UNRESTRICTED gifts to operate, more broadly... So,

Y’all, please do not buy this -ish.

Hmmm. This donation is suspicious to me. I’m curious as his motives...

Nope, and that’s why I will forever be a Nationals fan! I hope they beat the snot out of Houston, whose fans probably would have lined up to kiss Dump’s ass if he’d shown up there.

Fuck Burr....

So sad to hear of his passing. I must admit, I just watched Friday for the first with my teens this summer and John’s time on screen was terrific. Loved the scene when he talks about using fists, not guns, “living to fight another day.” Profound, even then.

Totally staged.  Apparently, the time-stamp was a dead giveaway... what idiots for even agreeing to allow him this farce.  Who are the supposed strong and principled military leaders.  They all need to retire. 

I agree generally, but his deflection game is strong. Also, his ability to both subtly and in-your-face give Putin everything he;s ever dreamed of in a U.S. President takes some planning, thought and analyses — by someone.