
Excellent.  Thank you, David. 

Chance is just so damn cute.... And WOKE!!

Nothing happened, except their addiction to power and influence. But white is always gonna white. Period.

In so many ways....

Black Excellence!! I love it!

Oh, please. With all these former Splinter Bernie Bros on the Root, posting excuses for Bernie, etc., and yet you’re focused on me? Yes, read my history. I’m quite informed, well-read and BLACK. Girl/boy, bye.

Maiysha, thank you for highlighting with such detail, Hebru’s latest installation. I was honored with a sneak peek before its official opening and it was quite a tour. I enjoyed it immensely and the artwork is interactive, nostalgic and divine. He’s a super talented brutha.... Go see it, folks!

Whomever is elected will have to spend a good year or two replacing/repealing all the shzt The Orange Atomic Pimple put into place to denigrate what President Obama passed or ordered — both foreign and domestic — from de-regulation, to our national parks, climate change, drilling, reconstituting the DOJ, EPA, etc.

thank you!!

Exactly.  The Russian trolls are strong here, folks.  Remember that.... they are hooked into the Root trying to get you to not think for yourselves and convince you a 78-year old white male heart patient is the savior for blacks because he promises us free shit.  STOP! Think for yourselves and view the Root comment not watching her speak on anything....

Did you say...”Sure, shit on the only candidate that has fought his whole life for working people no matte what color....”??

I fucking love it. Humiliation is all I need to feel vindicated. Dump does not have to go to prison.... But I just want his ass removed from office, I want to watch his shitty family move their shit out of our house, the White House, and I want to watch him and his grifter spawn walking humiliated to their shitty Dump


Not lately...he’s letting really bigoted judges get on the federal bench with little opposition.  He’s a disgrace.

And this weak-ass MF just said the following:

THANK YOU!!! HE’S DEFLECTING Y’ALL! By all means, drag his ass for this comment, but keep in mind his real goal is to bury what Bill Taylor is testifying to UNDER OATH today!!

Lindsey Graham just defended it!!!

A thousand times is not enough to read the Atlantic article you cite.  Read it! Everyone!

And those children are still walking among us today!!!