I caught Pandorum on TV a few years ago and was really surprised how much I liked it. Also, forgot about it till reading about it right now.
I caught Pandorum on TV a few years ago and was really surprised how much I liked it. Also, forgot about it till reading about it right now.
Exploitative gambling schemes in the form of loot boxes are disgusting. They obviously make publishers obscene amounts of money or else they wouldn’t start shoving them into every game they can, including single play games.
You know, with as slowwww as Fdev moves as far as updates and adding things to the game they sure as hell made a huge change like this after a WEEK. That’s why I think most people (rightly) think this was a knee jerk reaction to a few players that found ways to solo the Thargoids.
Nice! I think you’ll really enjoy flying with a HOTAS. VoiceAttack is pretty popular too as away of handling a lot of the controls too but I never needed that.
How many microtransactions do I have to buy before I’m allowed to close doors?
I recently discovered this YouTuber that plays Elite and I find him hilarious and honest. This is a pretty good one to help answer your question.
I’ve encountered no less than 20 Thargoids while traveling and exploring and have never been attacked unprovoked. Sure, something as little as targeting them for a scan can piss them off, but we don’t know what that means to them.
Knowing this was going to happen got me back into the game. I did the grind for a few days and got an Imperial Clipper. Wanted to go visit some of the Thargoid sites on planets but keep getting distracted trying to make money and upgrade my new ship.
I really, REALLY hope this whole situation actually has the ability…
Too bad Valve hasn’t thought about making games....
Jokes aside, I love all that art, especially the engineers.
Absolutely worth playing. Ep1 is alright but Ep2 is fantastic.
Suitsong :(
HAHAHA! Yeah right.... after they’ve made their first million, there’s no way they’ll do anything other than what makes them the most money, at any cost.
Nothing better than cracking the skulls of your enemies to scramble their brains using the power of the egg.
This is a tough choice for them, I’m sure. The prequel to Rocket League had all sorts of wacky and crazy arenas, and I definitely see how changing things up could create amazing new plays and strategies.
I would rather sleep in the muddy streets and wreckage than set foot in that slimy, disgusting, evil place.
Oh god... what have I done!?
I still have people angry commenting for the same reason, haha. I wish Kinja let me edit posts whenever. ugh
It’s cool. :) I’m not THAT much of a jerk. haha