
Yup. I’m always astonished and bummed out at how 99% of Unity games I play run like utter garbage. 3D Unity games CAN run well but only with am entire team working for years to get the engine to run the way they want, like Rust. Rust runs pretty well, until Unity pushes an update that breaks everything.

This is so awesome :D

Fuck Gamestop and Fuck anyone that goes shopping on Thanksgiving.

I haven’t played the game myself but I watched my favorite YouTuber (Many a True Nerd) play through this and thought it was hilarious and very well done.

I love Nidhogg. When I first saw the new direction for 2 I was a little confused, but I’m totally down to give it a shot. The devs did a great job with the first game so I’m willing to trust they probably did a great job with the new one.

He enjoys staying hidden in the dark and shadowy corners of the Nintendo universe. One day we’ll all find out what he’s been planning...

This is cringy on the level of that Sonic event a while back.

I’m 34... I thought Snapchat was stupid and redundant for a long time. Until a few friends started using it as the main way to communicate, (for casual stuff), and I kinda started getting into it.
If you have friends that use it you should give it a try. It’s pretty cool, and funny. A few of the members of a game

You should check out the J Sawyer mod for FO:NV. It’s more like a director’s cut. It changes a lot of the game, especially survival to make it a bit more realistic. Like.... drinking soda actually hydrates you.

Wait... what the HELL? I was JUST thinking about the documentary about this photo like 24 hours ago. I don’t even know WHY I started thinking about it.

I don’t feel like my test was accurate because I didn’t know what the hell like 75% of the questions or answers were referring to....

I.... am not really into pop-culture.

The first few lessons seem to be more about arranging samples, but it does start getting into more complex, actual musical terms. I really wish that they’d teach actual musical notation along with the lessons instead of/in addition to the track style they use.

Oh god... this could actually be the thing that gets me into buying toys... Never been into action figures or other such things... but these...

Oh.... it looks exactly like... Arma III.

Fantastic! Definitely see a lot of her influences among her work.

She’s also incredibly beautiful! Can’t help smiling watching that video, which is a pretty good reason to watch it too, haha.

I hope things get better for you someday.

Now I’m curious what this GIFs were made for. They’d actually be helpful to any 3d modeler/animator.

Kotaku staff sure has a way with their insects and arachnids.

Honestly the first game that’s even remotely made me want a console in the last 10 years. The Metroid Prime games were really, REALLY, great.