
Haha! Thanks Purdy!

BTW, been having a blast playing with you guys!

That’s awesome! I always try to comment when I see another player using the Marauder. It’s a great car. Technically, it’s also slightly better than the Octane in every way, on paper. I still have better aerial control with the Dominus, though.

I played with a Dominus forever, but my main has been the Marauder since it came out. It may be time to go back to the wide flat style. I really dig this one!

No idea why, but I’m really loving your coverage of video game branded beauty products.

My first thought too! Although, the framerate and motion tracking would still need to be spot on.

Mass Effect 3 was the first game where I could play as a guy that’s into guys, like IRL. It felt awesome to be able to romance a man and it being no big deal.

From what I’ve gathered reading through the comments is that females seem to find him really creepy because of past experiences.

No, fish tank.

I believe it’s 2 weeks before radioactive isotopes decay to safe levels to go back outside.

I really, really need to get back into this game. I only have a few hours in and loved it. I didn’t get frustrated with the combat as much as the map interface and various symbolic upgrade systems.

I played them way out of order. After the whole Sim City disaster, EA offered some free games to make up for it. I decided to get ME3 because I’d heard about the games before.

Finally gave into the Overwatch bug a few months ago. Super fun. I still have no idea what’s happening in most PoTG clips.

The dialog is all really... awkward. The lines, pacing, and animation all feel really, really weird to me.

I’m in. Where do I sign up?

Love how they use a “BREAKOUT” can in the trailer.

Finding the right camera settings was the thing that got me connecting aerials almost instantly. I’d been practicing, but still whiffed most. I found some settings someone suggested to learn to freestyle and I was amazed how much better I got.

I played a ton of competitive Solo Standard (known for being the most toxic) and couldn’t rank up at ALL. Got to Challenger in the other gamemodes and they started getting gross too. Recently returned to solo standard and have found it much, MUCH less hateful than the others... for some weird reason.


I’ll play! Rocket League is one of my favorite games. Played casually for like a year but been a bit more serious over the last few months.

Fantastic article!