RIP iGoogle and my virtual pet hamster that lived there. :(
This is pretty exciting. I’ve been using AMD on my last few builds out of principle, (also, bang for buck). Intel and Nvidia make undeniably fantastic stuff, but I can’t stand Nvidia muscling in all their proprietary crap into games as well as all their closed source and expensive tech for 3rd parties, (I’m looking at…
AMD’s graphics drivers used to be HORRIBLE, but they’ve improved drastically over the last few years. Like, to the point that I have virtually zero issues with them unless I overclock higher than I should.
I love this so much! Probably woke up my poor roommate from laughing so hard.
This is great! I think a big reason so many people were so passionate about this issue is because everyone wants to love GameStop. But hearing how crappy they treat their employees makes them easy to hate.
My buddy and me have been waiting to get back into this game until they release multi-crew. We’ve been holding off for.... longer than we expected.
Ehh, The puzzles are more fun than mind-breaking. I just love the whole experience.
Pretty sure there’ no other way to beat that level, but the fact that they designed it in a way that made us feel like we did something unintended shows how spectacular the puzzles are.
Looks like he averages about 20 CPS while actively clicking. Which, with two hands shouldn’t be too hard.
x 1,000,000
My favorite moment in Portal 2 co-op was one of those “back area rooms” where my buddy and me just kept falling to our death trying to figure out how to get to the platform where the door was.
Dang it, I need to go run errands and now I have to wait for my face to dry off.
Absolute insta-buy for me. Been wanting to donate to the ACLU and buy The Witness for a while now. Also, tons of other really great games. I already own some of them, but now I got gifts for when the need arises!
Amazing creativity and execution...
Haha! Yeah, it’s a great printer. Pretty affordable too.
Is this real life?
MAKE this work