While SpaceX has done government contracts it is a private company.
While SpaceX has done government contracts it is a private company.
Bragging rights....
mat_specular 0
mat_specular 1
Oh wait.... that’s not fun... that’s just part of developing for Source since Valve has broken it over and over. :oP
I’ve been to Catoosa once or twice and never knew about this thing.... it’s.... wonderful.
Well.... I was expecting this to be some sort of marketing stunt, but I wanted to believe he was actually trying to call out YouTube on their bullshit. OF course not, he’s in bed with YouTube and the relationship is GREAT.
Agree with you 100%
All you are is a number to Best Buy. They see that they will make money by being opened on Thanksgiving, so they stay open.
That Alien:Isolation nomination cracked me up way more than it had any right to.
Spent many years in various electronics retail places working Black Fridays.
Not the announcement from Valve I’ve been waiting for.
I’ve been saying that Rocket League is the only game I’d actually enjoy watching as an eSport. I suppose I should actually start watching!
I the only way to win is to not pre-order.
Oh! Also... is that a Kurzgesagt mug? If so, that’s awesome!
Well... Many A True Nerd kinda already got ya’ on the Tea Making thing...
WHAAT? I was JUST talking about this game last night to my friends.
God... that scene ruined me.
“I’m gonna wrex you later tonight.”