The truth is the Yankees and their fans are intensely insecure. The bully always is deep down.
The truth is the Yankees and their fans are intensely insecure. The bully always is deep down.
Sadly there is a faction of people who think the woman poops gold and sneezes unicorns no matter how crappy her work is at times.
Why is Zach Snyder so powerful? I will give him Dawn of the Dead and 300 was a big hit (though I hated it) but the rest have been either flops (Sucker Punch, Watchmen and Man of Steel) or close to it. This guy seems to be not only getting worse as he goes along but also failing upwards.
I actually give Henry Rollins points if true. It just seems to fit both his ego and sense of humor.
The Islanders will gloriously rip the heart out of Rangers fans and beat them in the second round. Finals will be Flames/Islanders with the Flames taking it. The NHL has the best playoffs in sports.
Just because you are privileged does not make you a bad person. Assuming someone is automatically terrible because they are ‘privileged’ does, however, make you a bad person.
You are my favorite person today.
SHe has done a lot of crap the last 15 years but in all seriousness you should see the movie 'Bug', she was great in that.
As a Knicks fan I would take Ashley Judd over Spike Lee any day of the week. Really don't get the hate for her (and I hate Kentucky).
The worst example of random english accents for no there reason than 'foreign'- The Prince of Persia. What the FU*K?
My brother lost about 50 lbs simply by switching to Coors Light and Diet Coke. Bastard.
I wish I had any idea what this was a reference to
She was the returning champion you know.
I watched this episode and I was bummed the guy in the middle didn't make it but thrilled that the other woman got not only in the negatives but a whopping -$6,800. In her little personal story but she bragged about being in some youth knowledge tournament and being much younger than the other contestants. She was so…
Oh my God. And just feel free to completely ignore the Navratilova comment by the way since that doesn't fit your narrative in any way. And by the way, I think Serena has been the victim of a tremendous amount of racism. I do think that Shut Your Von Trapp has a point though.
No, he/she is saying that if she looked like Beyonce it wouldn't be that way. Martina Navratilova was a white blonde woman and she did not get nearly the endorsement money that the likes of Kornikova did.
The size of every mans penis, according to Penthouse Forum.
Sorry, but he has got nothing on the Flop House Housecat