
I think it is just assumed that when someone screams at David O. Russell they are in the right. George Clooney scored major points from me when i heard the story about him hitting Russell for being an asshole to the extras on set.

Joel McHale…give me a few days and I may think of another.

Don't feel sorry for Vicki Lewis, she has done just fine and has worked steadily on screen and stage. She is well respected by pretty much everyone. The difference is that Vicki Lewis is an actual actress, Griffin is a comedian (in my opinion a really bad one). Griffin is hated by a huge swath of America.

No, no she didn't. She may have been better than Griffin at it but Rovers was regularly offensive.

I have noticed that too. It is strange. I am guessing that at least some of them are trying to say (inelegantly) that Rancic didn't realize that Zendaya isn't white.

Rancic hangs out with Donald Trump. I think that is all that really needs to be said.

Chiefs, Bills, Cardinals are all good. The rest are a step down

Seriously, you put Kate McKinnon in your 4 examples of biggest SNL breakout stars? I am guessing you got paid by her agent to say that. Nothing against her and time may prove you right but for now let's just take it a little easy.

It is called being a star fucker.

While I agree it is kind of pointless (having Haim there) but it is still better than any of the dumb pointless crap Jimmy Fallon does every night involving celebrities and everyone orgasms over him. I am assuming it is just Kimmel trying to imitate that (or more likely being ordered to).

When I was a kid Darryl Strawberry was one of my favorite players and my cousin somehow had a connection where he got Darryl to sign a ball for me. Well, it apparently took Darryl three balls to spell "Christian" correctly.

The news broke a couple of days ago. I am not sure how this counts as her 'outing' his transition.

I am actually going to defend Kim here ( this may be the first sign of the apocalypse). I am guessing that Kim meant "I don't care" in the it doesn't matter to me so long as he is happy sense and not in the I don't give a fuck about him sense.

I doubt it, since he didn't write the first one either

I went to school with Donald Jr. Nice kid until around the the grade when he became king of the douchebags in a school full of asshole rich kid douchebags. Don't feel sorry for them.

Cosell had a place in the same town as my family and had several interactions with him when I was a little kid because he did a bunch of stuff for a local animal charity my parents were involved with. He was always really nice which seems to surprise everyone. One time he asked me who my favorite baseball player was

Not sure if this counts as an 'encounter' because he was a good friend of the family but here it goes. Charles Addams, creator of the Addams family, was a good friend of my parents. One night he and his wife came over for dinner and they, for some reason, brought their gaggle of dogs. Anyway, they ran around outside

A good analogy, though I would say Parks and Rec was more consistent in tone at least (but maybe not in quality). There was even the big character replacement with Mark being yanked and in Working that first woman being replaced by the blonde (can't remember their names right now). I am guessing the network was more

'Working' was so hit and miss. I loved that episode (Solitaire) and some of the cast was great (Yvette Freeman, Steve Hytner and Arden Myrin in particular) but then it would have an episode that would be terrible. It seemed like every week they would completely change the tone and style of the show. I remember