
I’m having trouble understanding why these recent Modern Family episodes have been getting good reviews from you guys. They have been complete messes filled with the easiest jokes and the characters are becoming less and less likable. The show is in a death spiral at this point. ‘

I think the dialogue and the entire ‘love story’ is so horribly done that it is now deemed the worst of the franchise. I don’t hate the movie but I really feel it might have been the worst love story I have ever seen or read.

I am assuming they were referring to Dorian’s Red Hand on the Upper East Side. Most famous for being the bar that Robert Chambers and Jennifer Levin were at the night she was murdered. Very Upper East Side Young Republican

I don’t know how this doesn’t already have 5,000 ‘recommends’

I would pick Scary Movie 4 any day. At least it knows what it is and isn’t trying to be something else.

A real horror comedy

Having worked in the restaurant business in the Hamptons in the 1990s I dealt with (or had co-workers) deal with a ton of celebrities. Despite that I really have no great stories but I can tell you that as far as ‘celebrities’ go Al Sharpton was an amazing tipper and extremely nice and friendly to the staff and

The most important thing that happened this week was that ‘Ash vs Evil Dead’ reminded people how real horror/comedy is done.

“Y’all wanna be politically correct? I’m an unpolitically correct person. WE WHOOPED THEIR ASS!”

So we are supposed to believe that sitting Senators would fill out an online application to join the Klan? That is not how Senators or the Klan work.

Just the opposite. They gave it the best possible spot with their top rated show (Big Bang) as the lead in. That is perhaps the biggest show of support of a program a network can give.

Thank you for finally admitting that what I said after the first episode was right- this thing is garbage.

Just for the record, Craig Cobb is not the founder of the Creativity Movement.

Honestly I always though AHS was at least partly purposely being comedic at times. Then Murphy claimed he was ‘inventing’ a new thing called horror/comedy when he announced Scream Queens, a statement that might rank up there with the most confusing and idiotic comment of the year. So I guess AHS has been even more

Ash vs Evil Dead is about to start

Jesus, those are the people you mention as the ones you love? Well I am assuming you are quite young. In all seriousness, enjoy the show and I hope one day you will see other, much better, horror comedies.

Yes it is possible. Huge Futurama fan and have had this for at least a year or two. I actually remember I almost used hypnotoad but figured someone else must already be using it so went with more obscure (or so I thought apparently) Space Pope.

I do have a sense of humor, that is one of the reasons I really hated this show.

Nope, I’m right. And you are impersonating ME with that profile pic.

Back in the 1990s one of my brothers decided to bike (bicycle) across the country. At some point he met some young woman who he wound up spending most of the day with, including lunch and dinner, who kept talking about how she was heading to CA to see this wonderful spiritual leader. At some point towards the end of