
I just checked the season six episode list and really most of them I liked. The SNL/NYC crossover was dreadful. But then all of their big production episodes were the weakest episodes. The 'smaller' the episode was the better. The big 'stunt' episodes were by and large terrible (though I, like you, enjoyed the season

I would put 'Newsradio' at the top of the underrated list but yeah, 3rd rock was a really good show, particularly the first two seasons. The cast really made it work.

There is actually an episode late in the show's run when Don realizes it. Until then it never dawned on me either. I felt like such an idiot for never noticing it before.

3rd Rock was a good show. Judging it in any way based on it's very worst episode (and one that was clearly entirely dictated by network studio heads) is unfair.

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This is all fun to think about but the truth is that this is an irrelevant question. Why? Because they are superior being to us lowly pathetic humans. Both Rhinos and Hippos are master warriors. Warriors of love, who have no time for the petty BS arguments like this that we sad little humans (and this cackling hyenas)

The only emotion I got from the Goonies was a great desire to punch those kids in the face and tell them to sit down and shut the f**k up.

It has annoying screaming children, a horrendously stupid plot, and most of all some of the worst child acting in history? Why then yes, you can say it is 'The Goonies'.

I believe it for sure. I have seen him in a couple of interviews and he struck me as one of those people who thunk they are a genius but couldn't tell you what the capital of the state they live in was. Plus I am yet to see him put out a good performance. And Kevin Costner gave a more lively performance in the Big

I would feel much better about it if he was 23 when it happened. 19 is WAY too young. There is a huge difference between 19 and 23 as far as maturity.

Yes , that is all very impressive, but I suggest the one thing that would truly impress me is if she could turn Aaron Johnson into a decent actor.

Uggghhhh. It is like Jezebel has decided to display all their most embarrassing and worst instincts in one singular thread.

The one thing that united my 9th grade English class? That Z for Zachariah is a total piece of crap.

A chance to watch a more pretentious and whiny version of Michael Cera? No thanks, Jesse Eisenberg..

Isn't there some actress who does this kind of thing for shits and giggles? Anyone have any memory of this?

As someone who has been the victim of this sort of behavior I can tell you it is exactly how my exes acted in these situations. Whether it was because they were sociopaths (I think it was in one case) or a psychological tactic to try to minimize the situation I can't say.

Well, I doubt she has gotten five nominations in a couple of years (it is over the last nine years) but I know what you are saying. But my point is that the media really doesn't treat her like the major star that they should be treating her as. Now perhaps that is because she chooses not to really play into that whole

When I was a little kid I always wanted to be a hippo. They hang out all day and mind there own business but when they are threatened they absolutely kick ass. TO be honest I still kind of want to be a hippo.

No argument there. It was supposed to say "pissed" by the way, not 'posed'. Damned autocorrect. I also thought Adams was a lot better than Lawrence as well (though Lawrence's character was so bad in my opinion that I don't necessarily blame her). Amy Adams is quietly becoming a great actress and it seems like people

I suggest you watch it again because it was more substantial and more soul than any of his other films (most of which I very much like).

So little substance? What the hell are you talking about?