
Adams is the one who should be posed about it but not Lawrence. Her character was less important than Renner. She was just comic relief.

He was the best thing in that movie and got completely ignored when all the others won awards (or nominated). That movie was REALLY overrated.

If you really wanted to hate on Ayn Rand you would do a story on how she treated her husband. By all accounts he was a really sweet (if somewhat dim) guy who she treated like absolute shit. Even the guy she had a long term affair with was treated like garbage by her (and even attacked his wife who was the victim of

Since the guy who wrote the screenplay for 'Congo' didn't even read the book I would suggest that it should get a chance at a redo. Although I would insist on Ernie Hudson coming back and Delroy Lindo doing his Sesame cake scene-

I can't find the clip nine so here is the best I can do. From Newsradio episode "The Trainer"-

Thank you. I said something similar a while back (before her death) and got absolutely pummeled so good luck :).

Kathy Griffin was stupid and unfunny? Shocking I tells ya, SHOCKING!

I keep thinking I should watch this show. Then I read something like this which reminds me why I still haven't

Bandwagon people are the most insecure douchebags around. they are so desperate to feel superior to others and that is all that really matters to them.

I actually think being a Lions fan in your circumstances is admirable and don't think NYers would hold it against you. At least you aren't a bandwagon jumper who chose the local teams arch rival. He must have really hated his dad.

And punter, don't forget the punting. Despite a lifelong hatred of the Cowboys I always liked Danny White because as a kid I thought it was really cool that he did both.

The only thing more pathetic than this scene is going to Chris Christie's primary results in 2016.

Perhaps a little levity for this grim time is called for-

You are a child. It was simply a comment about the method of sending out the message. PCT was not being dismissive at all about what Q-Tip said. But instead of simply giving a straight forward message people like Rebecca Rose had to turn it into something completely insane and go on a series of rants that reads like

Again, Professional Chair Tester's comment had NOTHING to do with the content of Q-Tip's message.

THe limited numbers of characters allowed on twitter is about race? And while I agree about your comment about how it is often the case when people use that expression the comment that about the limited capacity of characters per tweet has NOTHING to do about race. His comment was NOT about the content of the message

Her argument is so tortured that it is pretty funny at this point. She seems completely oblivious to what your actual complaint is.

Only in the Gawker/Jezebel world would your completely legitimate suggestion be turned into you being a racist moron who is too dumb to understand the brilliance of twitter's limitations.

Oh my God, I can't believe you managed to make it about race. For God's sake. He is only saying it would be much easier and more manageable to read it if you had one tweet with a link instead of forty. It is a perfectly legitimate complaint about the limitations of communicating on twitter. It has absolutely NOTHING

Because Gawker has become a parody of itself. No matter what, anything a white person says or does regarding race is deemed racist in one way or another, particularly if they are not of a certain 'class'. Damned if you, damned if you don't.