
I don't think she really was assuming they were doing anything wrong. If she felt 'threatened' by them in any way I seriously doubt she would have sidled up to them in that way.

You are still only going to get 2% in the Texas primary, fat man.

You are still only going to get 2% in the Texas primary, fat man.

How much longer can Kate keep it a secret that Louie Anderson is the real father?

Barbara Walters' 10 most fascinating people list = ten people she could get an interview with.

Her twitter feed reads like she is Michele Bachmann and Matt Drudge's hellspawn love child.

Wow, the stupid is strong with you.

28,000 students equals "medium-size"?

The one thing that truly united my 9th grade class was that 'Z for Zachariah' was the biggest pile of garbage around.

I am not a big fan of the whole Jimmy Fallon thing but he seems like a nice enough guy so good for him I guess. This (face breakers) is one of those bits though that completely baffles me and kind of annoys me. What is funny or interesting about it? Why the hell does this become a video that everyone has to post?

Thank you. I am still baffled by people loving that performance. I thought her and Cooper, both of whom I have really liked in other things, were dreadful in that movie. Way too over the top. Bale and Adams did a much better job of straddling that line of believability and absurd. And Renner was by far the best of

It was a really weird decision to include the real name. For a movie that felt free to basically completely fictionalize a true story it is somewhat mind boggling that they would decide to refer to a real person for such an obscure thing. But then if this guy has a legitimate claim then a whole lot of people involved

See the rest of this thread for the response to this absolutely moronic argument about Tebow.

What are you talking about? Chris Borland is currently playing for the 49ers and is started last week

A) I am not criticizing the Cowboys, in fact earlier I said I give them and the Rams a pass on this. I have no reason to think he was cut due to him being gay but due to injury situations, etc.

First of all it is 'bruuno', not 'bruno'. Secondly, i am not advocating 'gay shit' you moronic troglodyte.

And that is one deceptive use of statistics. For one thing you are including those who chose to play in the AFL. For another you are including players who chose not to play football because they paid squat and either got better paying jobs somewhere else or were drafted during WW II. In the 'modern era' there are only

Oh my God, that was such a stupid post.

Really? Seems like it is something I said because you are clearly hopeless to talk to about this subject. For one thing, Tebow payed 3 seasons, not 2. For another putting him up as an example in the first place has to be the biggest joke imaginable (first round draft choice, given fat contracts, played plenty). Third,
