
Are you serious? He got a chance. A lot of chances. And yes, you are being very stupid with that example.

2 chose other careers (military and NBA respectively) and Jason White who had two terrible knees.

No, but it does translate into being given a chance and even starting five games your rookie season.

It might very well be. And I do believe the Rams (and Dallas) gave him a fair shot. He played quite well for the Rams in the preseason and only didn't make the team because they happen to be very deep at the position. Fair enough. There are, however, a lot of teams that aren't.

And Chad Lavalais found a job (a starting job at that) in the NFL.

Or perhaps we should be asking 'How the hell is the SEC Defensive Player of the Year not on an NFL team?'

Just wanted to check the year (2007) and found it got an 85% from Rotten Tomatoes. Also just wanted to support the person who recommended the original Night of the Demons. Solid stuff. Make sure you get 'Trick r Treat' and not the movie 'Trick or Treats'.

If you want a good Halloween theme horror movie then check out 'Trick r Treat'. Little noticed when released and I believe it may have even been straight to DVD, it is actually really good and has been steadily gaining a devoted following. Plus Brian Cox being Brian Cox, which is always awesome.

Dear Shia,

Yes he has, at least a couple of times.

A) I completely forgot Geena Davis was married to Renny Harlin. I am still having trouble wrapping my head around that. Geena, you could do so much better

No stupid, I never defended the show. I have never seen it. In fact I said for all I know it could be the worst show on TV.

That isn't even close to what I am saying dummy. Go away and make an ass of yourself somewhere else.

Oh my god you are so stupid

I really don;t care what you have to say any more. As I said, I give up.

"Lol, I'm not a reasonable human being because I won't watch this show? Yeah, alright."

Not the point I am making but it is too bad because seemed like a lot of people in the comedy community were rooting for this show because he seems to be well liked.

I didn't say you have any obligation to either him or the show. You do, or should at least, feel an obligation to be a reasonable human being.

As I said, fine, then don't watch the show. However, you haven't actually watched the show so how can you possibly legitimately hate it so much? The answer is that you can't?

Fine, then don't watch the show based on a couple of very short clips you have seen. But don't condemn any show (or any thing for that matter) with such vitriol without ever actually having seen it. It is just an ignorant approach to take and you really will be your loss. That is all I am saying.