
I get it. You are just one of those people who absolutely refuse to admit they are wrong. Never mind then.

Yes, there are a lot of ads for shows that are good, and there are a lot of ads for shows that are terrible. And quite frankly my experience is that neither situation is really reflective to how good that show actually is.

Seriously, read Ispeakjive's post again, because you clearly didn't the first time- "but the commercials for that show made me hate it, and everything about it. I want it to crash and burn so hard."

Actually, that is EXACTLY what she said. Try again.

Sorry, but don't need to 'try again'. How about 'trying' to have a semi open mind and not judging something based on a 30 second clip taken completely out of context and not even packaged by the people who actually have anything to do with the making of the show. If you only judge something by an advertising campaign

Ads for Tv shows are the absolute worst. The show itself has nothing to do with making the ads by the way. It is the marketing departments for the network that are the ones behind it. Never, I mean never, seriously try to judge a TV show by the ads, it is a huge mistake.

I have no interest in Mulaney and haven't seen it but being so full of hate for something you haven't even seen seems amazingly ignorant and closed minded.

OK folks, I actually watched this entire episode last week. He was intentionally losing and making completely ridiculous guesses the entire game (he was the first contestant to be called and never made it past that). Why I have no idea but it was very clear he had no desire to actually win anything on the show. So all

Jack Lazorko scoffs at such dumb luck-

It appears some of you commenting missed the last sentence in the article. There is absolutely nothing that we know of that implies that she was murdered.

1) I think you are confused, Mrs. Leyland was one of these self appointed vigilantes

I think this is the latest remake of Battleship Potemkin

Because they are extremely cheap to make and the churches tell their parishioners to go see them. It is actually really hard NOT to make money with that formula.

Steve Harvey and paula Deen deserve each other. Both vile bigots who sucker the stupid into giving them tons of money.

Justin Bieber?

I haven't read the book but know the basic plot so I ask this with genuine curiosity- is there any justifiable or believable motivation for what the wife does?

Uhmmm…she was one of the victims of the 'fappening' (that is what we are talking about), why would she be making fun of Lawrence and others for it?

Honestly I don't know how anything in this article can be remotely surprising, considering how openly she has been a 'conservative' Christian, owes her career to the help of Anita Bryant, has a brother who is an evangelical Baptists preacher, openly praises Glenn Beck, wrote a musical supporting Aimee McPherson, and

Somehow when I read it I thought you were talking about Kathy Griffin, not Jessica Williams. Sorry. I blame Kinja.

It would absolutely stun me. I can't think of a worse replacement for Jon Stewart.