
WHy? The show makes tons of money for the network. The actors should be getting paid.

If you haven't seen 'Slither' you have to see him in that. James Gunn is the director as well. I like directors who take their actors with them.

I can't believe I forgot Michael Rooker. I will watch anything that man is in.

Pretty much agree. Gamora did the least for me. Don't really get the whole Zoe Saldana thing but she doesn't bother me either. Groot was enjoyable because they kind of kept him to a minimum. Have no idea why they bothered hiring Vin Diesel for that role. Could have saved a ton of money hiring anyone else. I actually

Killer soundtrack. Brought my 17 year old nephew and that was the first thing he said when we walked out.

That is why I liked it. It is different from the recent comic book movies which I m very bored with. It has a good sense of humor. nay real complaint is that like all recent comic book movies the final battle is way too long but otherwise much more entertaining than the others.

Saw the Guardians and it was pretty good. Nice to have a comic book movie that didn't take itself so damned seriously.

Guy has been claiming for years now that his lack of recent success is because he is an open conservative and it is a liberal plot.

They seem much more tolerable than Posh and Beckham

Being a regular watcher of the Today Show I have to say I never bought the Morales stories (particularly the baby claims which seem sort of ridiculous). Could totally believe anything about him and Giada though

They have a Barack Obama one. However at first glance I thought it was Richard Nixon so I guess there is your answer. What really threw me though was I think one of them is of Josef Stalin? Which raises so many questions. I am tempted to buy it though just to see what peoples reaction would be when I handed them

I'm trying to figure out who will get this for Christmas right now.

What really made me go from ambivalence to hating Jeter was this whole retirement crap. He saw all the pomp and circumstance of Mariano's 'tour' and wanted it for himself too. I might be willing to give Rivera the benefit of the doubt that he didn't know he would get all the attention he did. Jeter,on the other hand,

As a life long Mets fan I can sympathize. However, here is why I hate Jeter and actually liked Mattingly and Winfield- they had/have a personality and occasionally took a stand for something. As far as I can tell Jeter has never taken a stand for anything in his life. He is a colossal bore.

Each season I am extremely into the first five episodes. Then around episode seven or eight I just feel completely burned out and lose all interest.

"Hansel and Gretel Witch Hunters" was actually pretty fun. Not great but it sure as hell doesn't deserve to be lumped together with 'Wild Wild West'

I only have one question for you- for whose sake are you lying? Since everyone can read this entire thread it must only be for your own sake, and that is the saddest part of it all. Adios, loser.

Oh my God, you are both incredibly dishonest and remarkably stupid. I am done discussing anything with a lying nitwit like you.

You are just flat out LYING. YOU are the one judging by the darkness of the skin. You are about as thoroughly dishonest as someone can be. You are sickening.
And by the way at no point have I made ANY comment to remotely imply that I 'look down upon' anyone of 'color'. At NO POINT have I 'discriminated' ij this

No, I am basing my declaration of her (for lack of a better term) 'whiteness' on legal, historical, and anthropological/scientific definitions. I am basing it on the original definitions regarding 'race' on the defining works of Meiners and Blumenbach who set the standards among westerners as far as defining 'race'