
I apologize, the race comment was in response to another poster.

Oh just stop it. It has absolutely nothing to do with race. It has to do with the resources a country has when it comes to being able to train and financially support a team and an adequate population pool with which to pull players from. There is a reason that Germany is almost always better than Montenegro and

While they are historically an 'offshoot' of Islam they are not in fact Muslim. They get really mad when people refer to them as such. They are in fact their own thing and don't adhere to the 5 pillars of Islam and have their own set of monotheistic beliefs. It is basically a combination of the Abrahamic religions

Don't worry about it. Just wanted to make it clear because it is a very common misperception. Very few know much about the Druze. The only reason I know something is because my father worked with some in the Middle East and they are a fascinating group to me. Despite my reading every academic paper I can get my hands

A) Druze are not Islam. They do not abide by the 5 pillars of Islam. If you say to one of them they are Muslim they will pretty much hate you.

Just to clear up something- Druze do not execute people for marrying outside their religion. They are expelled (though not always) and excommunicated but that is it, no murder. Also the Druze sect is noted for their historically equal treatment of women, one of the many things that separate them from Islam (and

I would like to say here that the claim that Druze women (or men) are executed for marrying outside of their religion is FALSE. No such thing occurs. If you (be it a man or a woman, it does not matter and the Druze really stand out historically for having equality between the genders) do marry outside of your religion

" to beat the very young team who has been in the WC less than a fourth of the times the US has been to the WC".

Yeah, and you obviously didn't bother reading the thread or even the REST OF THE SENTENCE so just stay out of it.

Man, you are really, truly pathetic. Just because you declare her a 'woman of color' does not make her so. Do you know that white supremacist organizations accept Armenians? And I can find you plenty of Italian, Greek, Spanish, etc. children who are just as 'dark' as Kim is in that picture. And I have to tell you, she

By her own statements she has NEVER had a problem because of her race. In fact she just recently said she has almost never thought about race because it has never come up in her life. That doesn't sound like a person of color who has suffered to me. And sorry but that picture is hardly evidence of her being a person

Well, agree to disagree. I have known a ton of Armenians in my life and they all considered themselves 'white'. The term 'caucasian' is in reference to the Caucuses region, where Armenia is. In fact Armenians were considered the archetype by Christoph Meiners, the creator of the term. In fact she is also only half

"Stopped shitting your pants"? What the hell are you talking about? And by the way, we got exactly as far as we did 4 years ago. And who the hell is talking about "all of humanity"? Jesus, tone it down a notch whacko.

Actually in 1909 the US Supreme Court declared Armenians 'white'.

Once again, I have n problem people being proud. I am just sick of people making it out like it was some sort of miracle.

Ghana didn't invent the sport and doesn't have a long established history of dominating in international competition. And no we were not 'underdogs' against Ghana. We were actually ranked above them at the start of the World Cup. We were 13 going in and they were 37. Just give it up man.

Oh stop it. What a ludicrous comparison.

4 slots for North and Central America. So we had to beat Canada and Guatemala to get in. Sorry if I am not blown away. Look, I have no problem with being happy with the outcome for the USA and having some pride in it. But can we please stop with the over dramatization.

I agree with that. I have no problem with showing some pride over it. I just wish people would stop saying how "extraordinary" and "amazing" it was.

OK, can we please stop saying how amazing it was regarding how the USA did in the World Cup? We won one game against a country less than 1/10th are population and about 1/1000th our resources. That is it. Let's stop making it out like it was the '69 Mets.