
Ha! No, he grew up in Denmark during the Nazi occupation where his family was active in the resistance and hid Jews and downed American and British pilots in the family basement for periods of time. After that he grew up and moved to America and became a neurologist, antique dealer, did some work for the CIA that we

My dad could have kicked all your dads asses (no offense and quite possibility not true)

1) You are just as long winded

You called these players "Pussies" and "girls". You said they were 'snitching', a term that should never be used when talking about the victims of abuse. 'Again, there was nothing illegal about the recordings. You have been told that repeatedly and yet you keep repeating the falsehood, making you a liar. And after you

"At no point is secretly recording someone the proper thing to do, period."

Stop pretending that other avenues were not pursued. They were and they were punished for doing so. Stop protecting the bullies and stop lying about this case.

Oh my God, I can't believe you still don't get it. I am not criticizing you for calling someone names. I am criticizing you for 1) the types of names you are calling them and 2) the fact that you are calling the victims names. And yes, they are the victims no matter how hard you try to make it out otherwise. YOU are

First of all the goal wasn't to publicly embarrass him. These recordings didn't go public until the school refused to do anything about this abusive coach. In fact, when an assistant coach did try to do something guess what happened? It suddenly became an investigation of that assistant coach. They didn't even

In hopes of getting someone in trouble? What exactly were they supposed to do? You know what is cowardly? Abusively screaming and yelling at kids (and who knows what else because their 'investigation' seems like a joke) who you have all the power over is what is cowardly. Attacking the victims, who are merely trying

God, that was such an as**ole comment. I can't imagine what a awful person you must be.

I used to eat it growing up. Quite liked it actually.

Yeah, it is completely morally degenerate. Gotta admit though, kind of brilliant.

Oh, it was very sleazy show with no moral center. I will disagree with you on two points though-

You really shouldn't. They were only there because they are fame whores.

Give me a f*cking break. Between your pathetic attempt to try to shift birtherism to Alan Keyes and the declaration that everything is sexist you have proven yourself to be nothing but a rancorous fanatic.

Get down from the cross and grow up.

1) Nothing sexist about it. Snarky maybe, but not sexist

No you didn't make up the quotes, you just gave them a completely twisted them and gave them a different meaning. Menopausal? Give me a f*cking break.

Please, give examples of the sexism in the Obama campaign.

Oh just stop it. Guess what, you can criticize a female candidate and it does not mean it is a sexist attack. You are just making crap up the try to rationalize your completely irrational attacks.