
No. The 'birther' claim is that he wasn't born in America. That did not exist in 2004 and didn't appear until 2008.There is a difference in claiming that one's outlook on life and ideology is not "American" and claiming that one is in fact literally not and American

Fair enough, you didn't defend it. Having said that it is false to pin 'birtherism' on Keyes or his campaign. He, nor his campaign, in fact never made such a claim in 2004. He did suggest that Obama was secretly a Muslim and, as the article you link to, that he wasn't a real African American because his father was

Alan Keyes is a god damned lunatic. Saying "well he did it first" is hardly any kind of defense.

Wow, you have GOT to be kidding me. And the cardboard cutout thing? What are you talking about? The only thing I remember about a cardboard cutout was Jon Favreau, a speechwriter for Obama, drunkenly groping one at a private party that had absolutely nothing to do with the campaign and in fact took place a month AFTER

Yes, because we all know Hollywood has completely ignored the teenage girl demographic (extreme sarcasm).

I wonder how many of the people who claim Spam to be so horrible and awful have actually ever tried it.


Actually it is people from Manhattan who are the most obnoxious snobs around. Lizzie Grubman wasn't from here after all

You know, the vast majority of us who actually live here in the Hamptons year round are nothing like the image you portray. Please stop stereotyping so excessively.

I was just reading Jon Ronson's article about his experience with Silvia Browne. She really was the worst of the worst.

Because people are morons. I am so sick of these kind of things. Remember the video they showed of chicken McNuggets being made a couple of months ago? It was simply chicken meat being ground like hamburger meat. Nothing more and yet people were freaking out.

Uhmmmm…excuse me but I am a Gawker white boy here who would never say such an idiotic thing.

I really do feel bad for them and all. Honestly I really do and am not being sarcastic. However, can someone explain to me why the bobble head doll and Donald Trump's mentally challenged love child are celebrities?

A dog would have run around for 3 hours with its head stuck in the fish bowl.

Haven't we heard this from her before? Didn't Brad Pitt say the same thing too? I feel like this is some sort of negotiation tactic.

I had a pet Madagascan hedgehog named Portia when I was a kid. Basically just like English one but had a bare pink belly. Very cute but the thing slept all day and went into hibernation for months at a time.. Was fun to watch chase crickets but otherwise kind of a disappointment.

The English are A-Okay in the Klan world. They don't count are foreigners.

I suggest you rematch the scenes involving him and Amber Heard. He is depicted as sleazy and an asshole in all of them. At NO point is it glorifying his dating her. While yes he is one of the 'heroes' of the movie, he is also depicted as a seriously flawed one.

Yes, and he is depicted as an absolute scumbag for his relationship with the young girl.

Well, here is the problem, you want to say Apatow movies have some childish humor, go ahead. However, the idea that his movies are particularly misogynistic or that it sends the message that any man is 'entitled' to women is completely absurd. If you actually bother to watch and pay attention to the movies (40 Year