
Jets in the first round.

Just curious, is the group actually named the Ku Klux Klan? I saw a flash of them in the ad and they looked like a Klan group from the Reconstruction Era. However, that is just it, the Klan didn't exist until after the Civil War. Is the movie taking place during/post Civil War with slaves somehow still being held by

This is exactly the explanation of the name that came to mind once I saw the kid. It is pretty much exactly the same way my cousins had a cat named Jello and my brothers family have a cat named gravy.

The one about Vlade Divac and Drazen Petrovic was kind of awesome. Got me hooked on the series.

This is a great piece by Katie but I am having real problems with the whole Gaga story. She is such a attention/fame whore, such a liar about so many things regarding her past, I just can't trust that this is merely something she is spinning into her gaining sympathy and attention.

Sarah Palin told him so.

I have to give the Russian conservatives credit for one thing- they have made me take Madonna's side. NOT an easy thing to do.

Let's be honest, Valentine is a total jerk with his players. He has a long history of turning on any player that becomes 'bigger' than him. After a couple of years everyone hates him, it is only a matter of time. Anyone who thought this was a good hire in the first place was never paying attention to what his history

Apparently he is angling for a transfer to the News division over at Fox.

I am probably going to get some heat for saying this (and might deserve it) but I have heard that Griffith became a big time jerk in the 1980s and 1990s. Impossible to work with, mean to co-workers, etc. Curious if others heard the same.

I kind of get what you are saying about 'JFK' but the true story of Garrison is of a deranged man with power destroying lives to satisfy his own ego and prejudices. Tough to champion a movie that glorifies such a man. Plus there are so many falsehoods, outrageous leaps of logic, and downright absurdities that I am

Apparently they are politically active as well. Would love to see the meetings with those lobbyists-

My mother has been watching the Today Show since J. Fred Muggs (the Chimp). She told me this morning she is switching to Good Morning America or the CBS morning show (don't even know name of it) because she is so upset with how they treated Curry. And the thing is she actually thinks Curry was never a good fit for the

Ads are a thought. I could see some Japanese company paying her a truck load of money to endorse sushi flavored gum or something.

RIght on. And Cameron Diaz? Wasn't the last really successful movie she was in like ten years ago? As far as I'm concerned the only thing worth noting about her is that she is the only actor/actress that Martin Scorcese couldn't get a galway decent performance out of.

Hey Massey brothers, do you really think the same people who would want to watch Bristol Palin would also want to watch a couple of black guys hanging out with her?

She is going to lose by double digits anyway. Let the GOP burn their money o this lost cause.

Anyone else find it odd that the same people who support this kind of thing are also freaked out about Muslims invoking Sharia law?

I am not saying "why would anyone research this? THIS is NEWS?". What I am saying is that the crap this guy digs up on her is so mundane and there is so much of it that it must have take a good deal of research to dig it up. Quite frankly more research than you see from your ordinary journalist for an article of this

The Daily Mail article almost reads as a parody. The dumbest part is when the 'journalist' talks about how Stetten once said she liked Matthew McConaughy and then at some point later said she didn't. It is quite disturbing how much research this person did on Stetten and makes one wonder why he (assuming it is a he