
I believe he was a janitor at a high school. I will try to dig up his name, I know it is around here somewhere.

The Scottish thing people are mentioning is right but there is a little more to the 'symbolism'.

Actually around 1960 a Klan group lead by James Venable of Georgia was embarrassed by a similar incident. A man in Idaho filled out an application and was named the Exalted Cyclops of Idaho Realm. The thing is no one in the Klan had ever seen him because Venable's group didn't have any other members in the state (and

The difference, at least for me, is I never got the impression that W was a malicious person, simply misguided and easily manipulated (Cheney and Rummy). Walker, on the other hand, is just a bastard.

Take them both in their "primes" and I would date Bella over Phyllis in heartbeat. But then I actually care at least a smidgeon about personality.

Kind of like Cocker Spaniel winning best dog or Vanilla best Ice Cream. Seriously disappointing folks.

Joe Biden was 30 years and about a month and a half old when he was first sworn in. And yet he is listed as only the sixth youngest all time to serve.

Again, you can fire the corrections officer. I just feel very uncomfortable outlawing personal relationships like that when it is consenting adults. And I know you can say "well the power difference means it not consenting". However how do you know that? If that is the situation, where someone is threatening some sort

I actually agree with wholeheartedly with the ruling. You can still fire the teacher and ruin his/her career. From a legal standpoint upholding this law would open the door for outlawing any relationship where one has any sort of 'power' over the other.

Considering that Nikki Haley is about to be indicted on tax charges, and Carly Fiorina got her ass whooped the one time she ran for office, it is a safe bet that those are the reasons they won't be picked and it has little to do with Sarah Palin. Susannah Martinez of New Mexico may get the nod though because she is a

The Olsen twins look like anorectic wide eyed lemurs. How do they keep getting these guys who could sleep with pretty much anyone?

I'm sorry but was a 'report' really needed for this info? Can't any of this do this in about an hours time sitting at home?

A good, articulate defense but I would still rather spend two hours pouring lemon juice on an open wound then go see this movie. Honestly I don't think any movie in recent memory has turned me off more in previews.

So they claim 7,000 registered in the day but cops say only 1,000-2,000? Gee, that isn't too fishy.

His father is a psychologist, NOT a psychiatrist. There is a big difference as any psychiatrist will tell you.

To be fair I don't think she is trying to claim that the current GOP is a great place for women, much less people like her. I think she wants the GOP to go back to when they were a little more tolerant and those more libel on social issues could feel at least somewhat at home.

Rosie O'Donnell- perpetuating stereotypes since 1992. (kind of an arbitrary year chosen)

When I was about 10 my brother had a pet snake who he fed mice. One day the mouse ate the snake and I kept him as a pet and named him Hannibal. My brother got another snake and this time the snake died of natural causes before he could eat the mouse in its cage. I kept this one two and y father guaranteed they were

Yes, yes it does. And have you tried the Dulce de Leche Haagen Dasz? Oh my God! Just don't read the nutrition label on the back

Actually I would have been very hesitant to accept her blonde look when she switched on That 70s Show if someone pitched the idea to me but I think she is much hotter with it.