
Whether you like her comedy or not she is nothing like the Khardashians or the Jersey Shore. Plus she has been around for a while. And Whitney Cummings' stand up is actually quite good but, much like Handler herself, her style of humor really doesn't lend itself to primetime network TV. I am a Handler fan but have a

Honestly I am impressed by her endorsement of Ron Paul. Not because I agree in the slightest but I always got a Michele Bachmann type vibe from her, and honestly I prefer Paul over them (which is kind of like saying I prefer Mussolini over Hitler). She seems nice and all but she reeks of right wing FoxNews.

Isn't 36% a pretty big number? Seems like that would equal hundreds of million of dollars. And that is without the men.

I actually always thought "Do They Know It's Christmas" wasn't a bad song musically. But it always really bugged me because Ethiopia is a majority Christian nation so I think it was pretty safe to say that "Yes, they know it's Christmas". On the other hand it really did raise a ton of money and helped save lives so

I am with you on this. I can see how people can view it the other way as well though. What I find telling though is that when he knocked her out he actually fled the scene and didn't rape her. Strikes me that maybe the reality of what he was doing suddenly hit him in mid attack when he saw the damage he had done and

Don't worry, when the time comes you will be spared, and then who will be the crazy one?

I never believed in Santa, not sure why but it seemed ridiculously impossible. I did, however, totally believe in the Easter Bunny. Why? Because my parents would do an awesome job of leaving little nibble marks on the stubs of carrots that were left for the Easter Bunny. They looked just like how our pet rabbit would

I am not sure that depicting someone who would physically force themselves on someone, bully everyone around them and demand to be treated like Cleopatra while doing little to nothing for anyone else, as a sympathetic character who has a 'bad' boyfriend is such a smart move. And might I point out that for much of the

I went to a boarding school and every morning (except Sundays) every student had to do some sort of janitorial work (clean a classroom or something of that sort). It would theoretically take 20-30 minutes (sometimes more and sometimes less depending on the assigned duty for the week). No pay but if we didn't show up

I can't figure out if I actually like Gomez or if I only like her because she isn't Miley Cyrus. Either way I am grateful she has helped push that shrieking yahoo out of the limelight.

Yeah I have seen that too and been a little disturbed by how casual that show really treats it. But I view it as another aspect that they ripped off and somewhat ruin from Twin Peaks. Agent Cooper would never have touched Audrey in that way.

Maybe, closest I have heard to an explanation. I can't believe I am giving him the benefit of the doubt but I took it as he was calling Bachmann crazy and that was what he would get in trouble for doing. I don't think he was thinking any sort of gender issue when he said it. Personally I think he is a pathetic Uncle

I ask this with all genuine ignorance- how is referring to Bachmann as "Tutti Frutti" when asked what flavor Ice Cream she is sexist? It seems he is calling her a whacko, which is kind of a story actually (a moment of honesty from this guy?), but I don't see anything gender related to it. If it was a gay man than I

Lars Von Trier is the perfect example of call yourself an artist and you are given a license to act like a dirtbag. Sad really.

You seriously think that if he was raping 10 year old girls instead of boys then people wouldn't care as much? That is beyond ridiculous and insulting. No one would be writing joke columns about it and no one would think it was 'hot'. You are a complete clown and owe everyone an apology for this atrocious piece. This

He even has a magical Star of David tattoo that switches sides between pictures. He is one very powerful Jew.

I'm sorry, I should have been more clear, SMG is who I was talking about. MJH is also a Republican and unlike SMG is quite open about it.

She is a registered Republican. Whether she is 'hardcore' or not is unknown as far as I am aware because she has never said squat about it in public. Don't hold it against her though, one of my brothers is a registered Republican and we still love him. It's the fact that he is a Yankee fan that really bothers me deep

Well you can argue that she created (or helped to) the monster that is Kim so I go with Kris being worse.