
I watched Kris Jenner being interviewed on the Today Show and she was at her legalese best. She corrected herself mid sentence when asked about making a profit off the wedding and said that "we...(I mean) she (Kim) didn't make any money from the wedding". In other word sKris got all the checks or some family trust got

Yeah, I try to block out the whole 'vajazzle' thing. I am one of those guys who loves 'going downtown' but I must say I think that would freak me out.

I have a thing for J Love Hewitt but she dates the biggest douches.

Whoops. Somehow my mind must have blended the Cardassian and the Albanian lines. THanks for the clarification.

Can someone explain to me what Albania has to do with anything?

I liked the first couple of seasons of Family Guy but really haven't since its 'comeback'. I often find it to be offensive simply for the sake of being offensive without any grander point (basically the opposite of South Park). However I did watch last nights episode and didn't find it particularly offensive. Jeff,

Perfectly reasonable question and I questioned even using the phrase because it is mildly obscure. It is when the 'crowd' is behind a rope (tape or whatever) and the candidate/office holder goes down the line shaking their hands and speaking to them

She (Hillary) has certainly improved in this respect during her Senate years. However, as opposed to Bill and seemingly Chelsea, it does not come naturally. And no it doesn't mean she genuinely dislikes 'common folk' but it does come across that way and there are plenty of stories from the Arkansas days about how she

I remember seeing the 3 of them (Hillary, Bill and Chelsea) working a rope line when Hillary was first running for Senate. It really struck me how much Bill and Chelsea were enjoying it (or at least appearing to be) and how Hillary seemed to be utterly miserable having to mix with the 'common folk'. I like Hillary but

At least we know where Alexis got her 'bitch' gene from

Jesus Christ people, we fought a revolution so we don't have to hear about these products of generations of incest anymore. You are spitting on the graves of the founding fathers by drooling over these yo-yos (not really but it is ridiculous).

I have to say I didn't find anything racist about 'Outsourced' While it made fun of certain aspects of Indian culture it also praised much of it and made fun of American culture just as much. Quite frankly I found it to be refreshing to see a show that was so clearly embracing a non-American culture so

I love that Terri Sewell is on theist because she was my congresswoman before I moved back to Long Island last month and didn't think anyone outside of Alabama knew who she was. But can't we give some love to some other women like Barbara Mikulski? Or at least toss a GOPer or two in their like Hutchison or Murkowski?

I think you absolutely hit the nail on the head. But then there is Virginia Foxx. But then I can't explain anything having to do with that loon. She makes Michele Bachmann look like a mentally stable genius.

I was working for Carolyn Maloney's City Council race (her campaign staff consisted of me and her nephew) and she brought me to Ms. Abzug's apartment to pick some stuff up for a fundraiser that night. When she opened the closet and turned on the light it was a moment I will never forget. A walk in filled with nothing

One of the highlights of my life was back when I was a teenager I got to see Bella Abzug's hat closet. Simply AMAZING!

I am NOT saying there isn't a higher standard for women when it comes to looks in politics (there clearly is) but to say an overweight woman would never be elected governor of NJ is simply wrong and a big overstatement. How about Barbara Mikulski for example who has been slaughtering opponents her whole career? No one

Watch five minutes of her show and you will hate her. She represents everything that can go wrong with an arrogant self righteous prosecutor.

It is an interesting question you raise although Paltrow is a bad example because she just isn 't funny and have the comedic talent to pull it off. I didn't see 'Horrible Bosses' so can't say why Anniston didn't pull it off. And I have been saying for months now that there is a vitriolic reaction to more 'attractive'

FIrst of all men can be and are sexually harassed, and unfortunately the usual response is less than supportive of the man who is being victimized. That you obviously don't think that it ever occurs just shows what a whacko you are.