
I have no idea whether it is a troll r not but it is very clear from the context that "Joe White" is a pseudonym so whether there is one enrolled at Harvard or not is really irrelevant

Did it occur to you that "Joe White" is clearly a pseudonym?

I am usually with you guys on this kind of thing but this complaint is beyond ridiculous. This is the kind of complaint that delegitimizes the feminist movement and the scumbags like Rush limbaugh use as an example of going too far. It is a picture of the top US Women's golfer. That is it. She isn't showing any

"douchebag fratboy vibe". Thank you. This is exactly the phrase I was looking for to describe Reynolds (or at least the sense I get from him).

Sorry but I don't get the Ryan Reynolds fascination. Granted I am a straight male so the looks don't effect me one way or the other but I find very little charming or interesting about the guy. And the snarky humor he displays plays as kind of abnoxious from a pretty boy who has made millions as an average actor and

This struck me as an odd statement as well but perhaps part of it is because women are more likely to support allowing open homosexuals into the military. Even if women in the military are more likely to be accused of being homosexual (I don't know the data behind this) there are much fewer women in the miltary and

Conservative publications and talking heads do this every few months in an attempt to try to get more mainstream news outlets to cover it. They claim some group that is generally pro-Obama is defecting from him en masse and quote a couple of people in that demographic who never supported him in the first place. They

The only thing I found interesting about this interview was Kathy Hilton wearing that matronly dress. Please woman, do you really think anyone would believe that is normal clothing for you?

Usually I would agree about her 'relationship' with a guy like Solomon but I have trouble when it comes to Paris. I have little doubt that she is just as bad a girflriend as he is a boyfriend. Honestly I think they deserve each other.

Perhaps part of the problem is/was that some shows were copied but with white casts during the 1990s and 2000s. 'Friends' was just a white version of 'Living Single'. 'Sex in the City' was awfully similiar to 'Girlfriends' (though I find Girlfriends far less irritating). Anyway the white shows were more succesful

Don't worry Senator, just stand next to Chris Christie more often and you and everyone else will think you look like Kate Moss.

It wasn't just quirks and insecurities- it was serious substance abuse problems, serious relationship issues, and some serious whackiness. Personally I don't care that much. What does bother me though is when someone says that today's stars are so awful for their behavior but when Liz Taylor does exactly the same

Seriously, Lassie was nothing but a kiss ass. Snoopy rules.

Elizabeth Taylor was wonderful actress who did some wonderful films (except 'Cleopatra' which was awful). However I am a little befuddled by how the media is portraying her today. She was a complete car wreck when it came to her personal life and yet several times I have already heard how she was such a role model,

I miss the Kids in the Hall

Michele Bachmann= Sarah Palin minus the charisma

The best part of the whole Bachmann/AmeriCorps thing is that her son joined up after she said these things

As a straight male-yes, yes I am. However she wouldn't deserve snark if she was just a radnom person on the beach. She certainly wouldn't trun my head either though

You know from a distance (I live in Alabama) he seemed pretty good on paper and as an Obama fan I kind of feared him as a candidate. However his presidential campaign so far (unofficial) is pretty hideous and he is just coming across as a dweeby Tea Bagger.

In order to stay relevant she is going to have to run for President. I get the sense that there is currently a bit of a boycott on covering Palin by the media as they are all (both lib and cons) are sick of her idiocy and antics. In order to keep the cash flow coming she is going to have to do something to keep her