
While I think gender does play a role I think it is wrong to say it is "mainly due" to it. There are several differnet factors involved here that at least give other partial explanations

The thought of being stuck in a room with Arianna and Sen. Droopy is a genuinely horrifying thought. These are two of the most stubborn, self righteous, egotistical people around.

Why is it that the bigger the as**ole someone is to others the more likely they are to have a martyr complex? Actually I already know the answer (sociopathic narcissism) but this tendency has really become prominent in the last couple of years with the likes of Laura, Palin, Beck, and so many of the Tea Party types.

I think I missed it but did Katy Sagal win for 'Sons of Anarchy'? That would make me soooooo happy

I am an uncle to 16 nieces and nephews so I have watched a couple of episodes while babysitting (along with pretty much every other kids show). I actually kind of like iCarly and a couple of the other Nickelodeon shows but find Hannah Montana (Disney) one of the worst TV shows I have ever seen. So much so I have

@A Silly Lady Novelist: Lot's of rumors that she is very unhappy. And despite the fact that she is a conservative and I am a liberal I have to say I wouldn't blame her one bit. Spitzer is unbearable to watch, I can't imagine having to work with him.

Maybe I am just being anal but of all the names in politics for 'Heidi Klum' to have a tough time pronouncing they choose the one (Geithner) with the Germanic name? Wouldn't that be the one name she would have the easiest time with? Seems like really lazy writing.

@Excusado: Actually it is not making fun of Spanish TV but of how they use an "American" accent when pronouncing the names. Making fun of American announcers who suddenly put on a hispanic accent when pronouncing a hispanic name.

Okay I have to admit the 'SC Deportes ' concept and execution is mildly funny, but as usual too long. But perhaps the only reason I find it funny is that my father was born and raised in Denmark and when he is on the phone with someone back in Denmark he does exactly the same thing.

@lalie (apologetic mess): While I know what you mean I have to say Snoop is doing pretty well for himself. And though he has 'mainstreamed' himself, which I think is largely due to a combination of age and parenthood, at least he hasn't gone as far as say Ice Cube who went from hard core 'Gangsta' with edgy

So far I think the opening sketch pretty much sums up the whole episode (and most of the season)except maybe the PeeWee Herman bit -

The poorly kept secret here in Alabama is that only a few counties actually bother to EVER enforce the sex toy ban. The ban is really considered a joke in most of the state, even by most Republican lawmakers, but they are afraid to incur the wrath of the nutjobs if they overturn the actual law. As you can guess it is

I have to say last night's episode was a dud. No sketch struck as particularly funny, Hamm was fine but given little to work with, Weekend Update surprisingly weak (I don't 'get' the singing duo). The best thing were some of the Back to the Future auditions (Hader does an amazing Alda), and I waas disappointed by the

White conservatives have always believed that if they just runb a black man for office then blacks will suddenly vote for them. And yet whenever they have blacks have never suddenly started voting Republican. There have been several GOP blacks that have run for office and when they lose badly and don't get any bl;ack

@maude_flanders: Keep in mind they cut out several sketches plus a musical number (and often a chunk of the weekend update) on the VH1 reruns to fit the 1 hour format.

Wilma and Fiona hard at work

@Bethanylcm: Actually I was wrong, it was 1869, not 1867. Pope Pius IX (who also declared the papacy 'infallible' the same year but that is another story). Anyway he got rid of the Church doctrine of 'fetus inanimatus' which declared that the fetus acquired a soul during the pregnancy (the point of this acquisition

@wtfox?!: I'm glad you mentioned the Comstock laws. My favorite part of the whole Comstock thing was the seal for Comstock's Society for Suppression of Vice is a doozy. One half is a person being put in jail and the other half is someone throwing books into a bonfire. They were actually proud of their book burning.

I find it interesting that these folks like to cite the Founding Fathers and claim that the 'downfall' began in 1960s with the 'first' leglaization of abortions. But this is false history. Abortion was in fact LEGAL in this country UNTIL the second half of the 19th century. For the first century of our country's

Two possible explanations for this in my mind