
I love how this scum bag who spread gay rumors against her opponent in the primary now whines about how mean the press is for publishing hvery own words. What a hypocital sleaze.

Leatherface mask from original Texas Chainsaw Massacre during the dinner scene

@littlebear: I'm telling you, check out the dinner scene. His 'mask' (skinned human face) is of a woman with VERY heavy make up including blue eye shadow put on it. I am about 95% sure that the mask in the ad was specifically inspired by it. Even the hair is almost identical. Now the makers on the ad may not even be

The mask appears to be of Leatherface during the dinner scene of the original Texas Chainsaw Massacre. Great scene, great movie...but not something I would use to try to sell food. At least their not selling barbecue

@Peppermint: The beauty of Herzog is that he knows he has insane thoughts. It is his self examination of his own insanity and embracement of it-from making movies like 'Aguirre' and 'Fitzcarraldo' to developing a friendship with Kinsky, the craziest of the crazies- that makes him so charming.

I keep hearing people applaud her for standing up for her beliefs and she has 'something to say'. But other than simply saying "Yeah Gay Rights" I have yet to hear a single substantive word from this woman. Even on the Gay Rights issue she is simply spouting slogans from what I can tell. I'm all for her supporting gay

@annebreal: I agree annebreal. And let's be honest, until Jon suddenly up and left her and started acting like a complete douche he was seen as the victim in the relationship. At least in front of the cameras she treated him like total garbage when they were married and when they first broke up many, including myself,

As a man I can tell you, not everyone uses or has used a prostitute. In fact my guess is a pretty solid majority has never used a prostitute. People who utter phrases like "oh everyone does it" are virtually always simply idiots/assholes who are simply trying to justify their own misbehavior. Just ask any pothead (and

A couple of things

@Norton: Reagan and JFK have to be the most overated presidents ever. The truth is LBJ is the one that accomplished what JFK gets all the credit for. And the 'wouldn't have gone into Vietnam' stuff is utter crap. But then getting killed at a relatively young age leads to being overrated, just look at John Lennon, Kurt

@poodlescoot: As stated before look for the 'amateur' stuff. And I think you are absolutely right. But this is also why the 'amateur' porn has take over. The porn industry has been losing big time to the amateur stuff and they will eventually figure out that the reasons you stated are why

I don't get the Perry bashing. She is what she is and doesn't pretend to be anything better or different. Quite frankly I would pick her over other female music stars like GaGa and Lavigne who are just as shallow and superficial but pretend that they are 'deep' and 'rebellious' while never actually saying a damned

The only surprise to me would be that the entire cast doesn't use the Bolivian Marching Powder. I grew up in NYC and spent much of my summers during High School in Cape May (where my two best friends were lifeguards) and the surrounding environs. The Guido crowd were HUGE into the stuff. I was much more of a pothead

Thank you Katy for actually paying attention to what the judge actually said in the ruling. Far too few people actually bother to do so and go off half cocked screaming and yelling about things that aren't remotely true. Now if you could get the folks at FoxNews and MSNBC we might make some progress.

I grew up in NYC, went to school in Boston for 4 years and then proceeded to live on Long Island for 10 years. I then defected to Alabama 7 years ago. By far the most bigoted and segregated place I lived in was Boston, followed by Long Island. NYC was a haven of multiculturalism and relative tolerance. I have to tell

If you saw the episode of 'Kendra' where she meets with the Ghostwriter it is very clear she didn't 'write' a word of it. I was actually impressed that she was so open about this during the episode and made no pretense that she was actualy the writer. Not sure I have ever seen a celebrity be so open and honest about

@cockeyed: Pretentious much? I have no problem with costume, but it seems to me like her entire act often relies on little more than the outrageousness of her costume.

@PrettyB is like Whoa: I agree, it was absolutely a joke about how 'old' Stewart is and NOT a joke about her being dumb.

@ginaromarienne: Excuse me but I grew up in the 1980s and have seen more than one of eras movies. And I am not arguing that that is not a motif of the era (though I would say it is not any worse than any previous era). You seem to be ignoring a couple of facts about this movie though

@ginaromarienne: I actually have a different take on this scene than anyone else's that I have seen. it is not that she is threatening him, or even that he is threatening her. It is in fact an example of her mindset, that she only sees herself as an object of sexual desire and nothing else. She genuinely believes that