
@Queen Of Diamonds: A 'professional' team is any one where the players are paid. All independent league and minor league teams are 'professional'. You are thinking of 'Major League' teams.

@ihateyourescalade: The only person you should be angry at is Hillary Clinton herself then, because it was her and her campaign that made all signs, buttons, stickers, pamphlets etc. say simply 'Hillary'. I worked for the campaign and it was a very intentional tactic used by her to both distance herself and create

@PhillyLass: I don't doubt that he is a materialistic ass. The thing is though that I doubt he needs them as clients. Seems like he is quite succesful without them.

I really hope the lawyer is a long time friend of the stepfather. Otherwise he must be the most patient person in the world for not dumping them as clients or jumping across his desk and strangling these people.

@raphaela: I appreciate that you are trying to be a nice person, but Heidi is a media whore (as is her husband). Comparing her to the girl who committed suicide is beyond ridiculous, and insulting to the young girl. As for the 'values' comment-well then I guess no one is allowed to criticize anyone.

@raphaela: Yes, because a 15 year old girl who is being bullied to the point of committing suicide because she is dating the star of the football team is just like Heidi who is a reality TV star and only famous because she behaves like a mega jackass to everyone including her friends, will do absolutely anything for

@bluebears: You mean unless Sarah Palin becomes President. She will be first on the list for Supreme Court if that happens

$10 says she will be a regular on FoxNews within a couple of years. Any of you ever read Laura Ingraham's writings at Dartmouth? Makes this woman's comments look like Martin Luther King. It is how she got her foot in the door with conservatives.

@Hana Maru, with or without animals: Yes I do live on the United States. And both of my parents were doctors. My mother still practices and she is in her 70s. While housecalls are not common any more they certainly do occur. Particularly with something as simple as a circumcision and the kind of money Sandra can pay.

@Hana Maru, with or without animals: SO you can't circumsize a child outside of a hospital without it being a bris? A doctor can't make a house call? Sorry but that doesn't explain it at all. The best explanation I have heard is that she doesn't really undertsand what a bris exactly is and got confused when she was

@clevernamehere: That sounds possible. I like your moniker by the way

@clevernamehere: That would make some sense to me but she specifically calls it a bris. If she called it "a bris like ceremony" I wouldn't find it that odd. A bris is a specifically religious ceremony. It kind of wreaks of trying to prove she isn't anti-semitic.

@Lana Leigh loves Meryl Streep: I could see wanting a private situation with the circumcision, that sounds normal to me. But a bris is specifically a Jewish religious ceremony with a Mohel (rabbi), which she also mentions having there. Last time I checked neither Sandra nor Jesse were Jewish. I suppose the child's

While the adoption doesn't seem like a publicity stunt, the bris most certainly does. A Bris Mitah is a Jewish ceremony. I have never heard of non-Jews having one. Something VERY fishy about that to me. Did Sandra convert? This one wreaks of providing nothing but cover for the Nazi stuff

@KayKins: Yeah, you are a whackadoo. And I would strongly suggest that simply saying that someone may not be perfect in bed, which you apparently think you are, isn't quite as insulting as calling someone an "asshole". You clearly suffer from a very severe persecution complex.

@KayKins: Wow. I suggest you just calm down a little bit. For one thing I did not make derogatory comments about anyone or any group of persons. Well, I suppose I did about men who fetishize about virgins so okay maybe I did but certainly no more than you did. Secondly I have not and certainly will not claim I am

@KayKins: Yeah, that was a lame response. Sorry but you don't need a virgin if you want to be able to 'mold' them. Any 'experienced' guy worth a damn would be more than willing to listen to what the woman desires/wants during the sexual experience. If anything I would think that an experienced man would be MORE

I am a straight male and I have never understood the appeal of the whole 'virgin' thing. Nothing against them but guys who were turned on by 'virgins' always befuddled me. Particularly since women don't seem to enjoy their first time very much because of the pain involved. Sex with someone who is not having a good

@pmarble: I have watched a couple episodes of this show, for the humor factor of watching the most absurd human beings (I use that term loosely) alive. The lawyer clearly HATES the entire family. He is constantly yelling at them and every bit of advice he gives them they do just the opposite. He is repeatedly telling

Wow! Clips 2 and 3 may be the funniest 4 minutes in television history. My new hero is Nancy Jo.