
This seems like just a playing out of the new FoxNews style conservative playbook (notice I specify FoxNews style because there are some very reasonable conservatives out there who aren't immature self centered hate monguers).

@FurrierAndIves: Assuming you meant Shelley Duvall. Not a big fan of hers, thought she was the weakest part of The Shining. But if anyone was ever born to play a role it was her as Olive Oyl in 'Popeye'

Don't you have to have some sort of reputation other than white supremacist tramp in order to 'rehabilitate'? Wouldn't it simply be 'improve' her image since she was a complete unknown beforehand?

@GlitteryUnicorn: I can see the 'grieving widow' aspect explaining part of it. But did Mrs. McKinley or Mrs. Garfield receive the same adulation?

Before I say what I am going to say let me make a couple of things clear- I am a yellow dog Democrat who has worked for two of the Kennedy's campaigns (Ted and Patrick) and personally knew Jackie's brother Miche who was a friend of the family growing up. His wife absolutely adored me since I was a little kid and was

@clevernamehere: I think the confusion is over the wording of the question. If you look at the question of 'if you have cheated on their current husband or wife' you get the numbers you are talking about. If you ask simply 'Have you ever cheated on a partner' you get the numbers that anti-Patriarchy is talking about.

@Tiff M: Actually I wasn't saying the severity of prejudice against gender, racial, etc groups are more severe (thought they probably are). What I was saying was that a prejudice against something like someone who covers themselves head to toe in tattoos is different in nature because it is based upon a persons actual

@Sasha Reptilia McFearless: While anti-Patriarchy should have cited a source the numbers are in line with virtually every study of the issue I have seen over recent years. While men are more likely to cheat the difference is not very much between the two sexes.

@Tiff M: Believe me, I am not saying that all women, or even a majority, feel that cheating is a 'male' problem as opposed to a problem with both men and women. There are certainly many who have commented on this site who have complained about such views, including yourself. If you got the impression that I was

@Hiroine Protagonist: I don't buy the 'being worried about a negative stereotype merely gives that stereotype more power' argument. If that were the case than one should never complain about any racist, sexist, anti-semitic, etc statement anyone ever makes, much less perpetuates. Quite frankly there are fewer things

@Tiff M: I have to tell you, covering your entire body in tattoos like McGee is a bad coice in my book. Having tattoos is one thing but having as many as McGee, plus the "WP" which either stands for White Power (as I suspect) or "Wet Pussy" as she claims, yes that is a VERY bad choice.

To all the folks who are upset with the attack on 'Bombshell' McGee- Are you serious? Look, I think the concerns about terms like 'slut', 'whore', etc are perfectly valid when men who engage in such behavior are portrayed as 'studs'. However, McGee is a whole new level of low. And YES, women who knowingly screw around

It is called shameless asskissing so they can get free publicity. Nothing more complicated than that. The same reason people are nice to scum like Donald Trump. If people think they can personally gain from it they will say and do anything.

King Kong. Both willing to die for the other no questions asked. A lot better than Titanic. Oooooooooo, their from two different classes. Try two different species.