Brutus Rugburn

I’m a dolphins fan. You know that dreaded feeling, right about now, when you realize you have to go to work really early tomorrow, and it is going to suck? I have it twice a weekend now.

Always too soon.

Given the DC area traffic, JG probably went straight from the stadium to Ashburn

to be fair, 5am is when you have to leave to get to Ashburn by start of business

The ‘Skins didn’t force him to come in early because they are dicks, it was just that they had such good news to share with him that they couldn’t stand it any longer and just had to tell him.

Sounds like a pretty good way to start the week.

Shocking that the owner of a sports team in 2019 with a racial slur for a nickname would do something shitty. To a white guy, I mean.

$5M to go away (assuming he gets paid out for his 2020 deal) AND he doesn’t have to continue with that dumpster fire of an organization?

Sounds like a pretty good way to start the week.

5am? My Lord that’s early. I can just picture Snyder there in his office, across from a barely awake Gruden, stirring his coffee with a sleeve of gatorade cups.

This seems like the reason you WOULD go see the Bills... You get to watch natural selection in action and then see a football game after. What's not to like?

Long way to go for that one, but well played.

Never mind what song was playing you insensitive bastards, that dude looks genuinely hurt. I just hope he recovered and isn’t so shaken up he can’t find his way home.

I’m also wondering if he was the first guy to try this or are there other bodies piled up off-camera.

I hope he’s OK. Not the least because if he is, he’s now the mayor of Buffalo pursuant to their municipal code. 

Would have never guessed he would come up short.  Wide right maybe,  but not short. 

It’s like looking for a black person in the Trump White House; or in Foxborough.

So under the banner of beingpatriots” they feel entitled to overwhelm and displace the redskins from their native land, big surprise.

And if he didn’t bitch about his opponent celebrating after completely wrecking his offering, I’d say it’s fine and everybody can just do their thing.

More to the point, I think respect and sportsmanship are important, but getting pissy about it if you don’t get the amount of respect YOU think you deserve is just as immature, if not more so. It’s like the boss who has to constantly remind everyone that he should be respected, which means he really deserves none.

But it turns out Acuña’s own teammates are mad at him over a completely different baserunning issue