Brutus Rugburn

“Gimme a Cee!”

No, I think it should stay in use. I think we should keep beating that particular dead horse until some player, somewhere, manages to earn a lifetime ban from the NFL for something other than kneeling for the anthem. I want to see the other behavior that makes every team in the NFL say “I don’t care if he’s got talent

If only all NFL owners had the moral fortitude to just not sign a headhunting sociopath, but let’s be real here. Not like he did something dangerous or distracting like, I dunno, refusing to stand for the national anthem.

It would probably be best for him to stay incognito for a while. 

I wonder how much damage, in his quest to injure other people’s heads, Burfict is doing to his own brain. I mean, it’s hard to pity a guy who’s main goal seems to be trying to paralyze other humans under the cover of a “game” but I can’t help but imagine using his head as a battering ram has to have negative impact on

I can’t believe the Patriots went to all this trouble to beat the Dolphins.

Is there really a lot of resistance to the reality of Iran’s involvement? On day one there was, because of the lack of info, and the Houthies with their hand up. But now it seems fairly solid where these came from.

Ding ding ding. We have enough oil in our reserves and via shale oil that we need not kowtow to those butchers anymore.

They’re from Minnesota. They go to the Big Apple and suddenly have the chance to eat real food and they lose focus.

Having never been touched like that by a woman before, it was all he could do to prematurely eject her.

And the only thing that can prevent another Patriots Super Bowl victory? This man:

I can’t believe a sports league exists where there are basically 20+ incompetently-run franchises and 1 that feasts on them all.

THIS. A very proper take.

“Every story deserves a happy ending.”

Now playing

In case anyone did not get the reference to a 28 year old SNL skit:

Said my wife as she washes my boxers

I’m a Bears fan, I only drafted kickers

The parents are at fault for this.