Brutus Rugburn

All true. But also? He wasn’t fucking kidding at all.

It’s crazy. Like he got fired also for the Astros crappy responses

Prior to joining the team, he worked for Ernst & Young

Damn, missed by 12 hours;

Osuna is a terrible person, but is also one of a relatively small number of available people who can pitch well enough to be valuable to an MLB bullpen. Taubman’s very easily replaceable by the army of math/stats/econ guys who’d like to work in an MLB team’s front office.

Nah his WAR is -1.7 now. Not only did this stupid fuck say something horrible and for no reason but Osuna had just blown the save and was rescued by Altuve so even if he thought it was the right move, it was totally the wrong time.  I know analyticnics are anti-clutchness, but Taubman is very not clutch

He got what he deserved. It was a stupid move & he should’ve known that, kidding or not, you simply can’t do shit like this. Lack of common sense will bury you nowadays.

I mean, I don’t expect everyone to fact check their jokes, but it’s pretty widely known that Texas’ big cities are Democratic strongholds..

Clinton won Harris County.

36 hours.

uhhhhh what? Houston’s blue as hell

In every photo of him, all I see is Don Jr.

I can’t imagine their initial “investigation” went beyond asking Taubman if the comments were directed at anyone, and then credulously accepting him saying “of course not.”

So let me understand, its fine if the Astros keep the guy who actually committed domestic violence as long as they fire the guy who kinda was a dick to a woman?

It would be great if this was a case of the Astros committing to an organizational overhaul in response to not just what Taubman did

More serious question: how is Snyder allowed to own an NFL team?

“It’s still a kid’s game at the end of the day” - Jerry Sandusky

They were also cheating because the running back is 33 years old and also Marshawn Lynch.

Take notice?  Or take notes?

Now starting at Left Tackle...Pierre Delecto.